Changing the accent color setting does not have any effect

I just setup a new Manjaro Gnome in a Virtual Box VM (manjaro-gnome-22.0.4-230222-linux61.iso).

The extension is already installed, but changing the color setting does not have any effect, beneath logout and login i also tried to reboot.

At the extension website someone posted:

Custom Accent Colors - GNOME Shell Extensions
After the latest update I had to set the shell theme to “Custom-Accent-Colors” again, after that it works as it should, great extension overall.

But I figured out, that there is also no shell theme available in “Optimizations”.

Any ideas?

What color did you choose? Note that selecting Default will not have a custom shell theme as it will just use the default blue.

Please see:

Also, we have a custom gnome-shell-maia package that changes the GDM and GNOME Shell theme to Maia. If you want the default blue or any other color, you will need to install gnome-shell instead.

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Yes, I wanted to use blue color. :large_blue_circle:

Thank you, i solved it by installing gnome-shell instead. :+1:

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