Changes needed to make buildiso work

Changes needed to make buildiso work

add after line 53 in “/usr./bin/buildiso” this allows “enable_systemd_timers” to work.

msg2 "enable_systemd_timers: %s" "${enable_systemd_timers[*]}"

remove “community” 3 lines this removes community from buildiso.


remove “community” 3 lines this is needed if multilib not used


I will make a patch if everyone agrees to the above?


I moved your post from Unstable Updates to Dev Tools as the former category has nothing to do with the subject.

Please see: Sending a PR to manjaro gitlab from github

I’ve cloned and changed only multilib.conf in the data folder and pacman-default.conf also in the data folder

Simply removed the community repo’s

The buildiso changes are already in (Not pushed yet)

the repo is @ GitHub - robin0800/manjaro-tools