Can't open Media Creation Tool with Wine

Whenever I try to open MediaCreationTool to create a windows 10 installer on my usb it doesn’t open. Any idea?

You could just downloaded the windows iso, then use something like ventoy to install windows.

Use native software like Balenaetcher or other (but not everyone may have support creating Windows installer)

I tried using Balenaetcher but it says that iso is not a bootable image

There is a Suse tool in the repository but I can’t remember what it’s called and I’m not at my computer to check.

I recently used ventoy and it worked fine for a new install of Win 10. The advantage being you just drag the ISO to the usb stick, no extraction required.

Hi and welcome to the forum :wave:
There is a tutorial that has some useful parts you can use:

I coppyied the ISO file to the usb stick. I got into the boot menu, booted the usb stick, pressed “install now” and it said “A media driver your computer needs is missing. This could be a DVD, USB or Hard disk driver. If you have a CD, DVD, or USB flash drive with the driver on it, please insert it now.” What do I need?

When does that message appear? Is it the windows installer?

Yes after I pick the language the window appears with 2 buttons “Repair this computer” and “Install now”

Whenever I’ve installed Windows 10 I’ve never had to install any additional drivers at installation.

What should I do?

You’re probably better off looking on Windows forums, I have very limited experience.

Can you ignore the question and move on with the install?

Is there any way I can run media creation tool on linux or no?

That would be a no…

I can’t.

The it would be better to ask the supplier of the hardware, a windows user group, you will get little support here.

So I have re-coppyed the windows10.iso file into the usb and I got further but right now I can’t install windows on my current drive because linux is on it. What do I do?

Has your Linux been installed GPT+UEFI or MBR+BIOS ? With Windows, you cannot do a GPT+BIOS install.

What you have to do is:

  1. Download the Windows 10 iso from the MCT site.
  2. Have a USB stick at least 8 GB sized. Then (all operations as root):

a) If your Linux is GPT+UEFI: fdisk the stick and use the g command to create a new GPT table.
Then use the n command to create a single partition covering the whole stick. Then use the t command to change the partition type to 11 (Microsoft Basic Data). Then use the w command to write out the partition table and exit.

b) If your Linux is MBR+BIOS: fdisk the stick and use the o command to create a new MBR table.
Then use the n command to create a single primary partition covering the whole stick. Then use the t command to change the partition type to 7 (NTFS). Then use the w command to write out the partition table and exit.

  1. Then run mkntfs --fast /dev/sdb1 to format the partition on your stick (presumed as /dev/sdb).

  2. mount -o loop -t udf /path/to/Win10.iso /opt

  3. mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt

  4. cd /opt; cp -R * /mnt/

  5. cd /; umount /mnt; umount /opt

Your USB stick is ready to install W10.

There are catches you have to be prepared for.

  1. If you are on GPT+UEFI system, Windows installation will likely overwrite the existing data in the ESP.
    You can get over this problem by booting with your Manjaro DVD, and run the following commands (presuming your ESP is /dev/sda1 and your Manjaro’s / is /dev/sda3):

mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
mount -t msdos /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi
grub-install --root-directory=/mnt --efi-directory=/mnt/boot/efi --bootloader-id=Manjaro \ --target=x86_64-efi --recheck --verbose
umount /mnt/boot/efi && umount /mnt

Reboot and choose Manjaro. At the Grub prompt, press e to edit the instructions and delete the line beginning with “search”. Press F10 to boot, and then run the command update-grub. I also encourage you to install the package refind, and then run the command refind-install.

  1. If you are on an MBR+BIOS system, W10 installation will overwrite your Grub. You can recover by booting with your Manjaro DVD, and running:

mount /dev/sda3 /mnt # assuming your Manjaro / is sda3
grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda