Can't log in: it goes back to login menu

Hi, I updated Manjaro today and it worked well. But I was fixing my conky setup with a file. It was like:

“Sleep 30
conky - c pathfile
Killall conky conky - c pathfile

Then I rebooted but now I log in with my pass but after that it comesback to the login menú, does the “exit” in the file that makes the system go back to log in menú? Sorry for my poor English and any other mistake, I’m posting from a cell phone.

How could I fix it?
Please, don’t know what else to do.

I would manjaro-chroot via live ISO and remove the script, first. Then you can try to examine what part of the script doesn’t do what it’s supoosed to do.

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Thanks! It worked, but something happened. Can’t see the dash bottom in the dock and when I press Super+A to see the apps, it doesn’t work, the Super button doesn’t work.

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