My GPU is RX 580, but today I decided to check out my old graphics card, the Radeon 7770, to sell it. The first time it started almost immediately, and everything was fine, but after turning on the PC again, the system refused to start. For over an hour now, I’ve only seen the logo of my motherboard, the boot animation, and the signature “manjaro” underneath. I can’t even log into tty, the system doesn’t respond to pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1-12. What can I do?
Hi and welcome,
Is southern islands and wont run on amdgpu without setting boot options
radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1
or you can can install the convenience package amdgpu-experimental
In order to gain access to the system to do the above or anything else you can edit grub options before boot to apply boot parameters or even set something like runlevel to avoid booting gfx at all.
Methods are described in this guide: