OK, your problem is that 6.5 kernel.
6.5 has been EOL (end of life), and discontinued for a while.
So the automatic driver install is looking for a driver package for that kernel and cant find it.
Remove that kernel and then proceed.
I notice you are already in 6.7 so it is ok to remove right now.
sudo mhwd-kernel -r linux65
Kernel 6.7 is new and not an LTS (Long term support) kernel.
So I suggest installing at least one of those. ex:
sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux66
(6.7 will be dead in a few months. 6.6 will be supported until the end of 2026)
With 6.5 gone you should be able to install the drivers through mhwd. ex:
sudo mhwd -i pci video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-prime