Can't find how to install digiCamControl

I’ve looked in Pamac, in the all category which includes repositories, flatpak and AUR, and nothing…any idea on how to install it? i want to connect a Sony a6000

This is the official site and it’s supposed to be open source:

The packages name is digikam.

It is in extra/digikam.

But what you linked to is not that.
It appears to be a Windows only program.


Open Source doesn’t mean Linux…
Reading the first paragraph:

Control your camera settings remotely from your Windows PC via USB.

I think that’s a clue :wink: this isn’t Digikam.

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When I can’t find something using pamac (which also searches AUR). I’ll head over to When I find something, I come back and search Manjaro repositories. If I absolutely need it, I’ll install from AUR. But I try not using the AUR.

Searched: alternative to digiCamControl, opensource, linux

arch also has a list of applications: List of applications - ArchWiki

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You can try entangle, available in AUR and as flatpak. Therefor you must enable flatpac in settings of software under third party.
I hope I’ve retranslated it correct from german.
But you will find it.

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Oh ok…thought there would be a linux version…thanks for the options…i’ll try them cause wanted to connect my a6000 for streaming without a cable…and it appears that Digicam does that…but, anyway…will let you all know what happens with my experiments :slight_smile:

Also, does anyone thinks it could work with bottles or something like that?