Can't find flatpak and snap in pacman

I just installed manjaro-kde-21.0.3-minimal-210428-linux510.iso (minimal package) and can’t find flatpak and snap in pacman.
in pacman properties just have AUR.

how can I add them to pacman?

flatpak and snapd should be in the repo, so should be installable with pacman by doing:

sudo pacman -S flatpak snapd

Does that show an error for you?

EDIT: pacman does not support installing flatpaks or snaps.

If you are talking about Pamac you need to install the plugins for it first:

  1. Open pamac (Add/Remove software)
  2. Search pamac
  3. Click install on the flatpak and snap plugin packages
  4. Close and relaunch Pamac to see the options in the Settings.

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