Can't figure out how to make hibernate resume properly

i tried linux 67 and i cant boot anymore.
it says

error: file `/boot/vmlinuz-6.7-x86_64' not found.
error: you need to load the kernel first.

I tried remaking grub

removing linux67 fixed it, but for some reason before and after removing it, it said i was using 66. maybe the bootable usb?

now ive tried linux66. same thing happened but /boot/vmlinuz-6.6-x86_64 instead

Maybe there is a misfit between

  • the place where your kernel 6.7 was installed, and
  • the place where grub searched for it :wink:
  • Your new install may have a “new” EFI-Partition
  • But your fstab may point to the UUID of the old one

Please post:



├─sdb2        100M part EFI System                       vfat   6EA2-1352
├─nvme0n1p1   300M part EFI System           /boot/efi   vfat   F614-0982

Update: I just successfully resumed a hibernation from the grub command line manually. So something might be messed up with my grub menu.

I have discovered the problem. The old linux install and new one had the same UUID, which seemed to only affect where GRUB was starting the kernel from. I just generated a new UUID for the old one with GParted and everything works now.

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Be glad that it has been ext4 and not btrfs.

So nothing bad happened to your partition. In the case of btrfs and a kernel <6.7, both (!!!) partitions would now be destroyed (I’m speaking from my own experience).

Until kernel 6.7 btrfs didn’t forgive such mistakes. (2 partitions having the same UUID)

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