Can't enable docker service: "Is a directory" ?!?

Manjaro 23.02 64 on Raspberry pi 4

sudo pacman -S docker


sudo systemctl enable docker.service

and got:

Failed to enable unit: File docker.service: Is a directory


sudo systemctl enable --now docker

This is because there is also a socket as well as the service. These are not needed as systemd knows what they are. --now starts the service

Thanks. Same error
I looked in /etc/systemd/system and it is in a folder (docker.service.d) along with containerd.service.d which was installed with it. All other directories in the parent are target.wants and all other services are files. What’s up with this?
The directory contains an override.conf file


which contains:

LimitNOFILE="and there's a number here"

This may have something to do with the build I’m using (arm 23.02).
All service files are in a simlinked directory (/lib/systemd/system) which points to /usr/lib/… so I’m not sure why systemctl is looking in the /etc directory anyway.
Anyone know how to change the path with docker? And where to report the bug - or search for an existing one?

Correct directory for custom override is /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/ not /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf/.

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I think I see the issue. Hold on.

EDIT: I just uploaded a new manjaro-system package which should have the correct override paths.
Please let me know if manjaro-system-2023.03.03 fixes it.

Thanks for reporting the issue.

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