Hello everyone.
The gist of it is: I can’t “upload” any profile picture. I can choose between the default ones, and they do change, but if I want a custom image for my profile, I just can’t. It doesn’t work.
So I went to google, as you would, and found that it may be related to the latest ‘accountsservices’. A user reported that downgrading from 22.04.62-2 to 0.6.55 fixed it for them, so I tried that. Again, didn’t work. Even tried downgrading to 0.6.54 and still nothing.
And yeah, I realize there are (at least) two ways to change my picture: the main ‘Settings’ & ‘Manjaro Settings Manager’. I’ve referred thus far to the ‘Settings’ app. If I try to change through ‘Manjaro Settings Manager’, it kind of works, but also does nothing. As in: it only changes inside the app.
It’s a reported issue on the ‘accountsservice’ gitlab, which unfortunately, I can’t link here.
Is there a fix or I’ll have to wait for the patch?
I’m fairly new to Manjaro, eager to learn, but I’m at a loss here. Can anyone help?
Oh, running the latest versions of everything (except ‘accountsservvices’, as stated before).
As in: installed yesterday & ran --Syu multiple times.