Cannot select GNOME from Architect

After the latest Gnome ISO has done an update in the manjaro-architect I cannot select GNOME as an DE anymore!

Also xfce removed from Architect. Causes may it be orage, which disappeared from repo.

I am currently not sure what is going on there. I restartet the ISO and ranked the mirrors by speed and had gnome as an option for DE again. Something is buggy there!

ISO corrupted ?

Nope the checksum of the file is still the same as on the download page.

Yesterday was updated manjaro which may causes that remove something packages. If this packages missing in profile environment and profile is not updated by maintainer environment, profile is broken and remove.

I have the same issue. While running the Live ISO and starting Architect, the command

profile-validate gnome

shows the following:

Profile gnome did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 

That’s now replaced by terminus-font.

So now we wait for the gnome maintainer to update its profile, right?

You don’t need to wait for that. All you should need to do is update the mirror list and you’ll have the latest packages.

I’ve updated the mirror list with sudo pacman -Syy but the gnome profile is still failing the test because of terminus-font-otb.

That doesn’t update the the mirror list, that forces a refresh of the package database. There’s an option in the menu to generate a mirror list. Do that, maybe choose the fastest / closest 5 and go from there.

Okay from the wiki, I updated the mirrors and chose the fastest 5 with sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 5 && sudo pacman -Syyu prior to running Architect and the result is the same.

I’ve also tried under the “Configure Installer Mirrorlist” option in Architect, options 1 (Edit Pacman Configuration) and option 3 (Rank Mirrors By Speed) in that order but the result is the same again.

I assumed the gnome profile was explicitly naming terminus-font-otb as a dependency so that’s why the profile needs to be updated to use terminus-font instead so it can pass the validate test and appear as a selectable DE option.

Maybe @Chrysostomus can be of more help since he’s the Architect architect. :mage:

profile-validate -v                                                                               
pulling isoprofiles
Cloning into '/tmp/profiles'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 379, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (379/379), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (236/236), done.
remote: Total 379 (delta 90), reused 297 (delta 61), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (379/379), 589.92 KiB | 206.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (90/90), done.

Testing profile gnome
Profile gnome did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile kde
Profile kde passed the test

Testing profile xfce
Profile xfce did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile awesome
Profile awesome did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile bspwm
Profile bspwm passed the test

Testing profile bspwm-mate
Profile bspwm-mate passed the test

Testing profile budgie
Profile budgie passed the test

Testing profile cinnamon
Profile cinnamon passed the test

Testing profile deepin
Profile deepin passed the test

Testing profile i3
Profile i3 passed the test

Testing profile kde-minimal
Profile kde-minimal passed the test

Testing profile lxde
Profile lxde passed the test

Testing profile lxqt
Profile lxqt passed the test

Testing profile mate
Profile mate passed the test

Testing profile openbox
Profile openbox passed the test

Testing profile talking-gnome
Profile talking-gnome did not pass the test.
The offending packages are: 
Testing profile talking-mate
Profile talking-mate passed the test

Testing profile ukui
Profile ukui passed the test

Testing profile webdad
Profile webdad passed the test

Following profiles failed the test:

I’ll fix the profiles.

EDIT: Fixed now


Thanks, I was able to install gnome without issue.

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