Due to an influx of spam, we have had to approve account registrations. Please write an email to support@manjaro.org, with your username, if you want to get access faster. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Yochanan,
Thanks for the input.
I tried already about a week ago but got no answer.
Will try again; if it does not work, I will try my secondary email address.
Hi again, I sent a second email with receipt of reception but got nothing back.
I am concerned that the emails are not coming through.
I will try my backup email address and see if it works.
Hi again, I tried with the secondary address (GMail one), enabling this time the delivery status and confirmation of receipt. However, no confirmation of sorts ever arrived, making me think that the mail server never received my message.
Any clue for contacting the support team in other ways?
Send another email with header [Gitlab Account] password reset and include your account name in the email text. I’ll look into it. Currently we have a lot of spam.