Cannot open Gnome control center: No such file or directory

After an update I’ll get the following error when I’m trying to open the gnome settings via command line:
gnome-control-center: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The installed version of icu is now 70.1-1 but gnome settings expects 69… How can I fix this?

Possibly a bad mirror caused a mangled update. I suggest trying first updating your mirrorlist and then doing sudo pacman -Syyuu to force consistent versions with the mirror. If that doesn’t help, check if you have any aur packages installed and if you can replace those with repo versions. If that doesn’t help and/or other people have the same issue, it might be an issue in the repos.

I guess I found the AUR package. It should be webkit2gtk-wpe-bin. But I cannot replace it cause there is no offical package for it. I can’t uninstall it, cause it would uninstall a whole bunch of important packages which are needed.

pactree -r webkit2gtk-wpe-bin      
│ ├─evolution-data-server
│ │ ├─folks
│ │ │ ├─geary
│ │ │ ├─gnome-contacts
│ │ │ └─gnome-maps
│ │ ├─gnome-calendar
│ │ └─gnome-todo
│ ├─geary
│ ├─gfbgraph
│ │ └─gnome-maps
│ ├─gnome-contacts
│ ├─gnome-control-center
│ │ └─gnome-calendar
│ ├─gvfs-goa
│ │ └─gvfs-google
│ └─libgdata
│   ├─evolution-data-server
│   ├─grilo-plugins
│   └─gvfs-google
│ └─manjaro-aur-support
  │ └─gnome-shell
  │   ├─chrome-gnome-shell
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─gdm
  │   ├─gnome-layout-switcher
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-appindicatorpython-magic-ahupp
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-arcmenu
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-gamemode
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-material-shell
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-nightshellswitcher
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-nightthemeswitcher
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extension-unite
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─gnome-shell-extensions
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─manjaro-gdm-branding
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   ├─manjaro-gdm-theme
  │   │ └─manjaro-gnome-assets
  │   └─manjaro-gnome-assets

Don’t uninstall that package first. Just tell pacman to install regular webkit2gtk. It will ask you to replace webkit2gtk-wpe-bin. Say yes.

Thanks Chrysostomus and ben81. That was working.