Cannot install QEMU

I am trying to install QEMU but it says it conflicts with a few applications, most importantly “manjaro-settings-manager”, how can I get around this?

KONSOLE: >[spacetimebull@spacetimebull-systemproductname macOS-Simple-KVM-master]$ sudo pacman -S qemu resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: installing icu (68.2-1) breaks dependency 'icu<67.2' required by manjaro-settings-manager :: installing icu (68.2-1) breaks dependency '' required by mpd :: installing icu (68.2-1) breaks dependency '' required by mpd :: installing icu (68.2-1) breaks dependency '' required by raptor :: installing icu (68.2-1) breaks dependency '' required by raptor :: installing icu (68.2-1) breaks dependency '' required by raptor :: installing icu (68.2-1) breaks dependency '' required by thunderbird :: installing icu (68.2-1) breaks dependency '' required by thunderbird

Update. You need to always update before you can install new packages.


Wow, that worked, why does updating resolve that issue?

Because Manjaro is a rolling distribution. It works different from distributions you might know, like Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora.

After you or a systemd-timer reloaded the package list, it points to updated packages which require other packages that also did get an update. New packages are always build against the last version available. Basically, always update before you install new packages. Pamac, the GUI package Manager, does not let you install new packages without an update. Your case was a little bit unusually, because normally there are no dependencies for package versions, just the package name. In this case you can install software but it might not start.

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So the terminal message I received means that it cannot proceed with QEMU installation because it required dependencies of manjaro-settings-manager and thunderbird to have their dependencies updated so it can use those without conflicting with those programs?

Not exactly, qemu requires icu Version 68.2-1 . But the already installed package manjaro-settings-manager requires the icu version that is currently installed. The manjaro-settings-manager that is available in the repository at this moment depends on the same versions as the qemu packages. But since it does not get updated it all results in an error.

But this is a really rare case. Since packages usually not depend on specific versions. You can only noticed that because a program does not run, since it depends on newer versions of libraries.

This all is called a partial update. Because you are trying to update just a few packages. This is not supported on an rolling distribution. You can avoid this by doing an update before you install new packages.

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Ah I see so when I did the update, manjaro settings manager now accepts icu 68.2-1 so qemu can now install since it doesn’t conflict?

Yes, with the update manjaro-settings-manager , icu and all the other packages got an update. After that the correct icu version for qemu is installed.

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