Cannot install nvidia-beta drivers

Hello everyone :slight_smile:
I recently tried updating the nvidia-beta drivers to the latest version (565.57.01-1), but couldn’t because of various errors. I reverted to the stable branch.
Now, when I try to install nvidia-beta drivers using yay -S nvidia-beta, yay tries to install three packages:

  • nvidia-beta
  • nvidia-utils-beta
  • nvidia-535xx-utils

the last package is obviously in conflict with nvidia-utils-beta and this is, in fact, brought up by yay, which asks me if I want to uninstall nvidia-utils. Choosing no gives an unresolved conflict, which aborts the installation; choosing yes aborts the installation as well because nvidia-utils is required by nvidia-dkms.
Is there any way to fix this?

There’s no point in installing nvidia-beta from the AUR when the same version is currently available in the Manjaro unstable branch. :wink:

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Is it possible for me to switch to unstable, download nvidia-beta and then revert back to stable, keeping only the nvidia-beta package from the unstable repo? nvidia-beta is the only “unstable” package that I need at all and that I would like to keep up to date-ish, at least until explicit sync is integrated in the stable driver.

While you can return to the Stable branch, partial upgrades (which is what you suggest) are unsupported and tantamount to broken.

Simply switch branches, update, and then return to Stable (and sync/update again… while you wont have upgrades the sync is important).

Then you will be on Stable, and eventually the packages will catch up and you will have updates again.

This sounds great. I will try as soon as possible. Thanks a bunch for the support! Have a nice day :slight_smile:

The AUR just downloads the NVIDIA-linux*.run package, so after I ran (with “testing” distribution) into the same roadblock, I used that *.run file directly.
Worked great, activated dkms for that driver as well and it also asked if using the MIT/GPL2 licensed version. Rebooted, all nice and fine :slight_smile: