Hello everyone
I recently tried updating the nvidia-beta drivers to the latest version (565.57.01-1), but couldn’t because of various errors. I reverted to the stable branch.
Now, when I try to install nvidia-beta drivers using yay -S nvidia-beta, yay tries to install three packages:
the last package is obviously in conflict with nvidia-utils-beta and this is, in fact, brought up by yay, which asks me if I want to uninstall nvidia-utils. Choosing no gives an unresolved conflict, which aborts the installation; choosing yes aborts the installation as well because nvidia-utils is required by nvidia-dkms.
Is there any way to fix this?
Is it possible for me to switch to unstable, download nvidia-beta and then revert back to stable, keeping only the nvidia-beta package from the unstable repo? nvidia-beta is the only “unstable” package that I need at all and that I would like to keep up to date-ish, at least until explicit sync is integrated in the stable driver.
The AUR just downloads the NVIDIA-linux*.run package, so after I ran (with “testing” distribution) into the same roadblock, I used that *.run file directly.
Worked great, activated dkms for that driver as well and it also asked if using the MIT/GPL2 licensed version. Rebooted, all nice and fine