Cannot find Microsoft Edge flatpak in pamac, but can install it manually


I’m trying to install Microsoft Edge from Flatpak via Pamac. I’ve enabled Flatpak support in the settings. However, when I search for it, I simply cannot find it.

It is definitely there however in Flathub and I can install it via the command line using flatpak install

Why isn’t it showing up in Pamac? Is it because it’s “unverified”? If yes, is there a way I can enable unverified flatpaks in pamac?

EDIT: sorry, I mistakenly forgot to post this in the Flatpak category. Can a mod move it there?

I can find it in the GUI - but only when I search for:

then I get a list of three, two of them pertaining to Edge

After restarting the system two times
I can search for “Microsoft” and find it - but not when I search for “Edge”
and all this only when I explicitly search within the Flatpak category - not through the “normal” search.

Just an observation - I don’t know why.

Hello @9a3eedi,

refresh the database and restart pamac-manager after enabling flatpak support.

Before I posted this topic, flatpak support was already enabled. I tried refreshing the database and searched for Edge (without restarting pamac), but that still didn’t find it. This led me to post this thread.

Meanwhile, I have already installed Microsoft Edge via the flatpak command.

Now, as per your instructions closed pamac, opened it, refreshed databases, closed pamac and opened it again, and searched for ‘microsoft edge’. This crashed pamac, amazingly. I’m not sure what’s going on now.

I started it again, searched for ‘microsoft edge’, and got no results.

It’s there … but I didn’t find it via “Microsoft Edge” either. :man_shrugging:

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You’re right, it does show up if I search for “microsoft”

But not for “microsoft edge”

or “edge”

Very strange. Seems like it’s just not picking up the “Edge” keyword. Should a bug report be filed?

Meanwhile I’m trying to replicate the crash and get a backtrace with gdb if possible

It’s in the AUR, so you don’t necessarily need the flatpak version:

$ pamac search -a edge | grep -i installed
microsoft-edge-stable-bin  128.0.2739.63-1 [Installed]                       AUR

I’m aware, but generally speaking I try to avoid using the AUR if a flatpak is available, for multiple reasons

Also, for some reason, I can’t replicate the crash anymore. :person_shrugging:

For additional reference:

pamac build microsoft-edge-stable-bin


Some AUR packages are to be avoided, I agree. In this instance, Edge is among the better ones.

Happens on the first start after booted and you search something quickly. Must be related to the AUR database, which is downloaded then and loaded into RAM. Seems not to happen if AUR is disabled.

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This happens to me with some apps and I never bothered to post here as I assume its a Flatpak issue and my solution is exactly the same as yours, just flathub and install manually.
Sorry I can’t remember exactly what apps don’t show up when you search even typing the exact name. My two cents.

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Pointing out a few facts

  • Manjaro rule - switch to edge branch
  • AUR is unsupported but there is no need to avoid it
  • AUR is not dangerous per se
  • AUR is Arch Linux Community’s User Respository

I didn’t understand you here, can you explain?

I agree with you. Generally speaking, when installing packages, I prioritize in this order:

  1. Manjaro Distro packages
  2. Flatpak
  3. AppImages
  4. AUR
  5. compiling or installing manually

Like you said, the AUR is meant for Arch, and maintainers don’t test it against Manjaro. Compatibility is not guaranteed with Arch, and even less so for Manjaro. One reason I prefer the flatpak is that I can update without having to worry too much about incompatibility. But not everything is available in 1-3 form, the AUR is certainly very useful thing to have for those, and I use it for many packages, and is one of the reasons I installed Manjaro.

The unstable branch will be renamed to edge at an (as yet) undetermined point in time – so, switching to the edge branch is synonymous with switching to unstable.

If using the AUR, switching to the edge/unstable branch; which is more on par with Arch (proper); will provide a generally better experience than with stable.

That said, using edge/unstable can also mean that you need to deal with other unrelated issues.

You are most likely using the stable branch currently. See the following for a general overview:

I hope this helps. Cheers.

Was not aware of the change in name, thanks

I am certainly on the stable branch, and would like to keep it that way. To me, having vetted packages is more important than AUR compatibility.

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