Cannot Build Volantes Cursors ( Gio::DBus::Error )

It goes like this:

$ make build
=> Workon './src/volantes_cursors' ...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Gio::DBus::Error'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Gio::DBus::Error'
xargs: sh: terminated by signal 6
xargs: sh: terminated by signal 6
make: *** [Makefile:7: build] Error 125

Am I missing something?

I think this is it: glib2 2.76.0 breaks Command Line export (#4177) · Issues · Inkscape / inkscape · GitLab

I am on KDE, the gtk3 package seems updated enough, and I tried removing .local/share/recently-used.xbel

While I just successfully built another cursor using inkscape+xorg-xcursorgen .
So maybe its just something amiss with the build script.

I just adopted volantes-cursors-git, added a missing build dependency and quieted the warnings. It builds fine in a clean chroot.

If you want to build it locally, make sure you have inkscape, libcanberra and xorg-xcursorgen installed and run:

NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 make build

I could neither makpkg the AUR package, nor perform NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 make build

$ NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 make build
=> Workon './src/volantes_cursors' ...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Gio::DBus::Error'
xargs: sh: terminated by signal 6
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Gio::DBus::Error'
xargs: sh: terminated by signal 6
make: *** [Makefile:7: build] Error 125

But if it works for you … then I wonder whats my problem?

(I do have the mentioned reqs)

No idea why it’s failing to build on your end. Build the AUR package in a clean chroot:

sudo pacman -Syu --needed base-devel git manjaro-chrootbuild
git clone
sudo chrootbuild -p volantes-cursors-git

Me neither, thats why I’m here. I was willing to accept I touched some config or was missing a package … but it was really only this project giving errors and I couldnt make sense of it.

Doesnt work with a clean plasma profile either.

…but it appears the clean chroot build worked.

Which is nice … but I would really like to figure out whats broken if there is indeed something to fix.

(and then I can move on to adding a few different sizes to this cursor theme)

I imagine DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS (or something) is not set (or the given path is unreachable from the chroot), so the problematic part of the code never runs.

I have to add that on my machine I am getting the same crash that was in the issue linked by me previously, so a bit different from your issue.

The linked arch bug is still open: FS#79189 : [gtk3] backports to fix crashes in Inkscape / Evolution

gtk3 on arch is built from 3.24.38 (3e6fd55e) · Commits · GNOME / gtk · GitLab, which, crucially, does not include GtkApplicationImplDBus: Cancel DBus method calls on shutdown (!6180) · Merge requests · GNOME / gtk · GitLab.

If I build gtk3 from Merge branch 'useless-dpi-settings-notification' into 'gtk-3-24' (87c88720) · Commits · GNOME / gtk · GitLab, then make build seems to run without a crash for me as well, and it stops with the exception.

And it does seem to run fine if I set -P 1 in the xargs command. So presumably it tries to own a dbus name, which fails, hence the exception. It seems g_register_application() fails when it tries to query the primary instance, which will have exited by that point.

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Indeed, unsetting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS builds it.


With plenty of gtk-warning spam. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thats exactly the kind of thing I was looking for, but somehow I missed it. Thank you.

(seems building now … wahoo)

Yup. Works as well.

So many solutions … I suppose I will pick the more explanatory one.

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