Can you help me setup dotnet?

Hello Manjaro Community ,
Some days ago i installed Dotnet in my Manjaro KDE system , and tried to run as it is , but i am getting an weird error telling me that " Couldn’t find a project to run. Ensure a project exists in /home/rajrup/dotnet, or pass the path to the project using --project."
Is it mean that it is not on path?
how to properly setup my manjaro for dotnet .
I am quitting a programming language , and therefore i want to learn this language for webdevelopment

Can you please help me to set it up properly?

Run the command

sudo pacman -Syu aspnet-runtime dotnet-host dotnet-runtime dotnet-sdk

Then run

dotnet -h

Read the docs


Thanks a lot sir thanks for sharing those useful links
Thanks again

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