Can you get the "zorin lite menu" on manjaro xfce?

Yesterday I used a live usb of “zorin os lite” and saw that it doesn’t use the “Whisker menu”,they use something called “zorin lite menu” or something like that,
can I install it on manjaro xfce,
if yes,how can I do it?
thank you in advance,
have a nice day and sorry if this has been addressed before.

What is it that this Zorin menu has to offer to you over the standard xfce menu in Manjaro?

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Could you link a picture? I only find ones of what seems to be a Whisker menu with the ZorinOS theme.

The xfce4-zorinmenulite-plugin is from a PPA

Can you please tell me how to install it?
I thought PPAs are an Ubuntu thing.

Found it.
You still have to do this yourself sorta… but

cd ~
mkdir .builds
cd .builds

Now put the following in the PKGBUILD and save/exit with Ctrl+X

# cscs

pkgdesc='Zorin lite XFCE menu'
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
makedepends=('exo' 'garcon')

prepare() {
    tar -xf "xfce4-zorinmenulite-plugin_${pkgver}.tar.xz"
	cd "xfce4-zorinmenulite-plugin"
	mkdir build

build() {
	cd "xfce4-zorinmenulite-plugin/build"

package() {
	cd "xfce4-zorinmenulite-plugin/build"
    make install DESTDIR="${pkgdir}"

Then just enter this command

makepkg -sric

… and let me know :woman_shrugging:
(it looked ok here … but I am not using xfce)


Thank you

Glad it did. Enjoy your menu. :slight_smile:

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It worked as I said but the problem is,it wasn’t made for manjaro so I can’t customise it and I am not sure if there is a solution.

I think most of the config files you will have to edit manually are mentioned here:

What exactly are you referring to ?

I am trying to change the opacity of the menu,
whisker menu has a setting for this but it doesn’t affect the application tree view background,
so I thought maybe the zorin one has it

No idea about their menu …
I was wondering if there were themes or plugins for that plugin or something.
(I cant seem to find anything in their repo besides … maybe something like ‘zorin-appearnce’)
If it simply does or doesnt have some feature … thats up to the zorin folks I guess.

Ok thanks,
sorry if this is off-topic but do you know of any way to make the full background of the whisker menu(including the app tree view) transparent?

Looks like the esiest way might be using compiz.
And I dont really like compiz.
Up to you I guess. Happy hunting.

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