Can we have at least 10 days time between the releases?

omg another stable update (issue update) this fast… i was waiting till all this problems from the last update with timeshift and so on are fixed.

And now i have to wait additional 3-4 days till the biggest problems reported. Can we have atleast 10 days time between the releases?

Then you would wait 14 days, 10+4 days till the biggest problems reported instead of 4 days. You don’t have to upgrade, so what’s the problem? People report early this way, instead of late.


What are you talking about?
When i don’t upgrade and skip updates i will run in additional problems…

Atleast thats what several other forum members told me, that we should upgrade!

You said you are waiting 3 to 4 days without upgrading. And ask to post pone the entire community and team any new Stable update to at least 10 days. That means you are waiting even longer without updating. I didn’t say you should skip updates. If you want wait 14 days without updates, then you can do that even if the official update is released 3 days later. If you don’t want update 3 days later, then just wait the 13 or 10 days you are asking everyone else to.

I think this has important fixes for glibc, that is why it is important to upgrade fast for many users.

no way, this is rolling release and no stable-release like debian. rolling release is what it is and nothing else.



Could you express this again with other words ?

Just for me to check I’m not dreaming.

Btw :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait too long and then people complain we are falling behind.

So you prefer to have buggy timeshift GUI that you cant no longer backup and roll on for the next release, that your system/os finally gets destroyed when something went wrong and you have to format… is this what you want?

I just upgrade on my Laptop few minutes ago… and im exact in this situation now. And im talking about the last “stable relase”… and this problem still ignored with newest stable release from today.

I do appreciate your concern. But I assume when using Manjaro/Arch that I will be skirting along on the bleeding edge. That’s part of the consideration I made in moving over from other Linux versions … and, beyond that, from Mac and Windows. :man_shrugging:

Then you can tell me why Manjaro has a Stable-Release and unstable release and untested releases? I would really like to see your answer now :slight_smile:

Who makes this sense to have a stable release and ignore heavily backup issues and releasing another stable release, with the same problem?

manjaro is an arch based distro that implies to deliver always the newest state-of the art and this implies that you do accept to be a kind of product-tester and early adopter. if your system does fail too often and the invention so called backup is not part of your live then a rolling-release like manjaro is not your friend. manjaro is not another ubuntu-fork. take it or leave it, period.

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Waiting before updating and skipping an update is not the same thing.
Also having the next update within a week is still exceptional here. Your system won’t die from skipping one because the next one comes early…

I don’t use Timeshift, so i’d rather keep on receiving updates.
Also, if your installation gets so broken you need to format, i doubt a Timeshift snapshot would save you anyway…

Manjaro has none of those. It has stable, unstable and testing branches.


So, wait.
I don’t updated my system with the 2022-10-03 update, same to today’s update.
If I update on 2022-10-15, for example, it’s ok?
I always wait 1-5 days to update, just to make sure that any problem will be already noted.
If wait it’s ok and different than skip, can I keep going doing this, right?

You’ve got at least a month. I update whenever I feel like it, usually every month or 2 (i think), or when I get 404 errors (it’s my reminder to update).

I did this on arch too, with even more infrequent updates, but of course had some breakage.

I don’t even use timeshift. I made my own CLI backup utility, not that I’ve needed my / backups.

I think timeshift CLI still works.

What you really seem to be asking is:

Can we hold all updates for everyone in the world until the timeshift GUI is fixed, because you don’t like using the CLI. :man_facepalming:

You’re free to ignore it all you want. :grin:

If you don’t want to ignore it then create a snapshot, or just make an actual backup.

It’s not a backup, it’s a snapshot created by a system restore utility. If the fix was available and tested then it would be included (or will be when someone has time). AFAIK you can still make snapshots, just not using a GUI.

What about all the other people waiting for fixes to their problems or new features. You chose a rolling release…perhaps you chose unwisely.

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i am not updating because of what i have read on plasma 5.25, plasma constantly changing features is disruptive for me.
on a similar note WRT to KDE Plasma, I read on reddit that plasma 5.27 will be the last update b4 plasma 6.0 next summer…
Would it be possible for Manjaro to create an LTS branch for Plasma 5, i really dont want to go thru all the growing pains of Plasma 6?

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If you are happy with your current Plasma, then don’t update. When a new ISO comes out, you can check it out and install or not. There is your LTS homemade.

I might push the next stable by tomorrow … just saying :small_airplane:


Could you tell us what you use ?

I call it timewarp, but I haven’t released it as I may be a little embarrassed of my coding and whilst it seems to work well, it’s not thoroughly tested.