Dear all,
I wanted to experiment with tmux for a while now. Now I wanted to switch from alacritty to tmux on my i3 manjaro install.
As one would do, I downloaded tmux via pacman and then wanted to change the keybind to launch the terminal in my i3 config.
I tried the following commands:
1. bindsym $mod+Return exec tmux
2. bindsym $mod+Return exec tmux-256color
Interestingly enough I cannot launch tmux with the standard dmenu_recency config as well. I can search for it, but it won’t open.
I can start tmux with another terminal emulator though by issuing the tmux command.
When doing so, the $TERM env. variable is set to tmux-256color, as it should.
I dont know what causes this problem, as I set up my alacritty the same way…
Help is really appreciated.
Thanks a lot.