I recently ran into a problem with updating because “nvidia-450xx” was conflicting with “nvidia-430xx”.
I’m not using 450xx because I installed “video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-430xx-bumblebee” using MHWD from the settings menu.
Bumblebee doesn’t seem to have an update for 450xx. I found that CUDA is the culprit for the conflict trouble.
CUDA wants to install “nvidia-utils 450.51.06”
That freaks out my version of Bumblebee which requires 430xx.
For those who are having a similar problem, here’s what I did:
Uninstall CUDA (uninstall optional packages with care).
System Update should now work.
If you need CUDA, I’m not sure Bumblebee will work with it at the moment. I also couldn’t uninstall the “video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-430xx-bumblebee” driver by any means to even try PRIME instead. That would be a task for another day. For now, Bumblebee is now working after the latest update. I must note, that I had to restart the “bumblebeed service” to get it working after restart. Hope this helps.
You won’t be able to run cuda with 430, it requires 450 since version 11, your only alternative would be to install an older version and edit your pacman.conf to prevent cuda updates if you absolutely need to use 430.
Btw, what happens when you try to uninstall video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-430xx-bumblebee ?
I personally don’t need CUDA. It installed with Blender.
When uninstalling the video driver, it just stops me by showing that doing so will break 430. After that, installation stops and nothing else. I didn’t want to force it, as I didn’t feel it was necessary to get the job done. My system is now updated and I get to keep using Bumblebee. Doesn’t bother me as I prefer the Intel graphics for most non-graphic heavy tasks.
Another alternative would be to go PRIME with the latest driver, but CUDA isn’t a major part of my workflow. As stated, I would like the option to go “primusrun” when I really need it.
The current driver will suffice.