Bugfixing in Linux Manjaro --> General question (in my case Arduino IDE / ESP8266 bugfix)

Hi all,

I recently posted a problem:


Uploading sketches in the Arduino IDE to ESP8266 no longer works since the last Manjaro update (I use 21.1.0).

As a result, I published an alternative solution in the last post, which makes it possible to upload a sketch to the ESP8266 by means of a small workaround (although this does not always work reliably).

I also posted the problem to the developers of the ESP8266 upload tool:

Now someone there has written the following message in response:

I have just re-compiled my VoidLinux Kernel 5.13 using xbps-src and the patch provided by Johan Hovold and it fixed the problem with my USB ch341 and esptool. It may take some time until this patch is available for the various Linux distros out there, but the fix itself works.

How does it work in general with such bugfixes in Manjaro?
Do I wait until the next kernel update? How long can something like this take (bugfixing problems with Arduino and ESP8266 is probably not priority 1 :wink:
Or can I fix such a bugfix manually in advance?

The poster writes

“I have just re-compiled my VoidLinux Kernel 5.13 using xbps-src and the patch provided by Johan Hovold and it fixed the problem with my USB ch341 and esptool.”

I still count myself among the LInux beginners and am not yet that experienced in how such things work. Is patching and recompiling the kernel rather difficult and not advisable for beginners, or?

Thank you for your information.


I got the similar issue. I use USB2TTL( ch340 chip) to flash program to ESP8266. I will download driver manually on win10. I try to find a driver in pamac and got nothing about it. This tells me that Drivers are almost certainly built into your Linux kernel already . Then I look for what are my usb drivers. From this I got the way to see driver for usb.

xx% ls /lib/modules/5.13.19-2-MANJARO/kernel/drivers/usb/serial
aircable.ko.xz         iuu_phoenix.ko.xz  quatech2.ko.xz
ark3116.ko.xz          keyspan.ko.xz      safe_serial.ko.xz
belkin_sa.ko.xz        keyspan_pda.ko.xz  sierra.ko.xz
ch341.ko.xz            kl5kusb105.ko.xz   spcp8x5.ko.xz
cp210x.ko.xz           kobil_sct.ko.xz    ssu100.ko.xz
cyberjack.ko.xz        mct_u232.ko.xz     symbolserial.ko.xz
cypress_m8.ko.xz       metro-usb.ko.xz    ti_usb_3410_5052.ko.xz
digi_acceleport.ko.xz  mos7720.ko.xz      upd78f0730.ko.xz
empeg.ko.xz            mos7840.ko.xz      usb_debug.ko.xz
f81232.ko.xz           mxuport.ko.xz      usb-serial-simple.ko.xz
f81534.ko.xz           navman.ko.xz       usb_wwan.ko.xz
ftdi_sio.ko.xz         omninet.ko.xz      visor.ko.xz
garmin_gps.ko.xz       opticon.ko.xz      whiteheat.ko.xz
io_edgeport.ko.xz      option.ko.xz       wishbone-serial.ko.xz
io_ti.ko.xz            oti6858.ko.xz      xr_serial.ko.xz
ipaq.ko.xz             pl2303.ko.xz       xsens_mt.ko.xz
ipw.ko.xz              qcaux.ko.xz
ir-usb.ko.xz           qcserial.ko.xz

It seems that I already have ch341.ko.xz for ch340. But it cannot flash in fact. If I use cp2102 chip to falsh, it is fine.

According to [ Can’t connect serial port - Error: ch341-uart disconnected from ttyUSB0](Can't connect serial port - Error: ch341-uart disconnected from ttyUSB0 - #2 by iracigt), Just remove brltty and things will be fine.