I am new to Linux and I am about to lose an important disk.
I am using a 2TB SATA external disk to store my backups. My system was working fine until a few hours ago, when I turned the computer back on, I saw that I could not connect to my disk.
When I enter my login password to access my disk, I get the following error.
Error mounting /dev/sda1 at /run/media/azor/Backup: can’t read superblock on /dev/sda1
I tried methods such as recovery but I was unsuccessful. I would be grateful for your help.
The presumption is that btrfs-check would need to be performed on an unmounted file system (much like using fsck on an ext4 file system); perhaps best initiated from a bootable Manjaro Installer USB. Please perform research as needed.
Some system context might be useful for those wishing to help. Please provide full system information using the following inxi command;
I’ve taken the liberty of leaving you the filtered command which obfuscates any personally identifiable information from the output. You might like to add this to your notes.
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System Information:
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I was have read and tried some btrfs wiki. The commands you gave before, they did not work, or maybe I used them incorrectly. I am currently trying to recover the data with ddrescue -n.
My detailed system information is as follows and I do not think there is anything I need to remove. Thank you again.
This post is meant as a brief summary for others, in hopes that someone familiar enough with BTRFS file system will contribute something useful.
The OP is receiving the following error:
I note that the error refers to a failure to mount /dev/sda1 which is apparently a 2TB external SATA HDD using BTRFS.
Judging by “When I enter my login password to access my disk” it’s possible they are also using encryption, but this hasn’t been clearly stated.
The OP has also attempted other as yet unspecified methods to recover their data. There isn’t a great deal of information to work with at this time and possibly the more they try things the chances of recovery may be worsened.
…and we presume this also means new to using BTRFS.
I hope this quick overview is helpful to others reading.
A professional data recovery service is also a valid consideration, if you feel that’s warranted.
If you decide that is an option, I’d suggest not attempting any further recovery operations; in fact, disconnect it completely until you can have someone examine it more thoroughly.