Browsers like Chrome, Chromium, Brave are not installing

Hello Manjaro team and users. I had used previous versions before. It was flawless. It was incredibly fast and good, unmatched by any Linux distribution or even Windows. Now, I removed Ubuntu and installed Manjaro as a more accurate choice. However, this decision regretfully disappointed me. Browsers like Chrome, Chromium, Brave are NOT INSTALLING. There is NO error message whatsoever. I searched all over the internet forums and articles, but found no solution. I kindly request you to provide me with the solution to this issue.
Thank you to everyone.

I kindly request you provide more information.

Such as … how are you trying to install these things?


Please be more specific… I can install it. For example the terminal:

pamac install chromium
pamac install brave-browser
# google chrome only in the AUR:
pamac build google-chrome

You really need to work on your search fu.

apt, apt-get and dpkg doesn’t work with Manjaro Linux.

pacman the native Arch Linux package manager.

pamac is the native Manjaro Linux package manager - both will do the job.

Some help can be found in the relevant man pages

man pacman
man pamac

I’ll just leave this here:

These are all guesses of course … @ph4nt0m is being a … fantasmo.

Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Unfortunately, you immediately violated the Forum Rules by ranting and providing absolutely no information whatsoever to help us help you.

Since this is your first post, I forgave you and edited your topic title to be slightly more clear about what you had trouble with. :wink:

Please see:

All right, my friend, I don’t know this one. Thank you :slight_smile: Forgive me if I made a mistake.

To all my other friends, the error has been fixed. I was initially doing what you said, but it wasn’t working. However, by using the “restart” command, I saw that all packages were running smoothly.

I appreciate your attention and efforts :slight_smile: I am now confident in the choice I made :slight_smile:

Manjaro is awesome (but the previous Deepin version was the best).

Best regards.

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