I use LIbreWolf browser (via Flatpak). So that my default file manager is set to Dolphin (I would LOVE to just change Manjaro so Dolphin is the default anywhere in the system).
WHen I do downloads - and select ‘show in folder’, or just looking at downloaded files - Nemo is always opened… If I add this line: inode/directory=dolphin.desktop; to the mimeinfo.cache file (in directory: home/admin/.local/share/applications - I can get Dolphin to be used.
However - that file keeps getting rewritten and that line is removed…
So - my questions are:
why is that file being rewritten, by what? (not related to updates)
Is there not a way to just get rid of Nemo and have Dolphin be my primary (only) file manager across all of my system?