Hello Manjaro-Community,
Currently when upgrading your system on the testing
or unstable
branch WiFi does not work anymore when using the Pinebook Pro. This is due to a broken wpa_supplicant 2-2.11-2
. The issue can be resolved by downgrading to 2-2.10-8
. Unfortunately the manjaro or arch repos do not contain this version anymore, but it can be manually downloaded from an archive. There are different archives available, but I downloaded it from here: http://tardis.tiny-vps.com/aarm/repos/2023/06/05/aarch64/core/
After that just install the package like that:
sudo pacman -U wpa_supplicant-2:2.10-8-aarch64.pkg.tar.xz
I have heard that a reboot screws with the WiFi, but I did not test it yet. So just make sure to do a cold boot.
Also make sure to hold wpa_supplicant
back from updates by adding the following line to your /etc/pacman.conf
IgnorePkg = wpa_supplicant
Hope this helps people that are as lost as I was.