Broken dependencies on full system upgrade (after long hiatus...)

I have a Manjaro VM which I use unfrequently. I’ve let 8 months go by without updating the system and today, not unsurprisingly, I’m having broken dependencies.

Here’s what I’m seeing -

[abc@V-Manjaro-Doralicia ~]$ sudo pacman-mirrors --geoip
[sudo] password for abc: 
::INFO Downloading mirrors from
::INFO User generated mirror list
::INFO Custom mirror file saved: /var/lib/pacman-mirrors/custom-mirrors.json
::INFO Using default mirror file
::INFO Querying mirrors - This may take some time
  0.319 Brazil         :
::INFO Writing mirror list
::Brazil          :
::INFO Mirror list generated and saved to: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
[abc@V-Manjaro-Doralicia ~]$
[abc@V-Manjaro-Doralicia ~]$ sudo pacman -Syyuw
[sudo] password for abc: 
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core                                                                                                                                         172.1 KiB   989 KiB/s 00:00 [##########################################################################################################] 100%
 extra                                                                                                                                       1900.0 KiB   455 KiB/s 00:04 [##########################################################################################################] 100%
 community                                                                                                                                      6.7 MiB   485 KiB/s 00:14 [##########################################################################################################] 100%
 multilib                                                                                                                                     177.2 KiB  1024 KiB/s 00:00 [##########################################################################################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace jack with extra/jack2? [Y/n] y
:: Replace lib32-jack with multilib/lib32-jack2? [Y/n] y
:: Replace lib32-libcanberra-pulse with multilib/lib32-libcanberra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace libcanberra-pulse with extra/libcanberra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace pamac-common with extra/libpamac? [Y/n] y
:: Replace python-dbus with extra/dbus-python? [Y/n] y
:: Replace python-dbus-common with extra/dbus-python? [Y/n] y
resolving dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing lib32-libcanberra (0.30+2+gc0620e4-5) breaks dependency 'lib32-libcanberra=0.30+2+gc0620e4-3' required by lib32-libcanberra-gstreamer
:: installing libcanberra (0.30+2+gc0620e4-5) breaks dependency 'libcanberra=0.30+2+gc0620e4-3' required by libcanberra-gstreamer
[abc@V-Manjaro-Doralicia ~]$

I have tried to alternatively DENY the 2 libcanberra replacement requests, but the result is WORSE as even more dependency breakages are shown.

Also checked what would happen if I just removed the 2 libcanberra packages - they would basically drag down half the system with them.

I did some basic searches on similar issues, but I’ve only found suggestions on rechecking mirrors which I had already done from the start.

Any suggestions on how to upgrade this system ? Thx in advance !!


pamac upgrade

remove those packages:
sudo pacman -Rdd lib32-libcanberra-pulse lib32-libcanberra-gstreamer libcanberra-pulse libcanberra-gstreamer . `

sudo pacman -Syyu

It was in the known issues, in previous Stable announcement threads

  • You might be blocked updating when using pacman due to some libcanberra packages. Simply remove those packages: sudo pacman -Rdd lib32-libcanberra-pulse lib32-libcanberra-gstreamer libcanberra-pulse libcanberra-gstreamer. We recommend to use pamac anyway, which does this automatically: pamac update

Thx @omano & @admdb.

I did run pacman -Rdd successfully as suggested. Then I followed it with pacman -Syyuw , which had been running while I was doing other stuff. However in the meantime my VM froze for whatever reason (I suspect some disk space constraint after 1.4Gb of updates), therefore I can’t report (for now at least) any results.

I had previously tried the pamac upgrade command, but since it led to some ‘broken dependency’ message very similar to the ones originally issued by pacman, I had dismissed it without noticing it was a WARNING, not an error like the pacman one. It might probably have run to a good conclusion as well.

About the ‘known issues’ from the announcement threads: Yes I had routinely paid due attention to them in the past. In this particular case however, there were 19 threads for all the updates I had skipped, so I just checked the most recent one. And Google failed to provide any further hints, that’s why I ended up asking here.

For the record, here’s one of the announcement threads where this issue was spelled out:

Back to my original issue: I’ll probably have to hunt down a backup for my VM and restart from scratch, as the current running one has seemingly been drawn into a black hole. Oh well, s*** happens…

Thank you guys again. Cheers and take care !


I just wanted to add my final report here for completeness sake.

The ‘freezing’ I was experimenting in my Manjaro VM was actually a ‘hiding’ of console output, due to my borked usage of 'tee' in order to save a text log for the update operations. This happened first with pacman and later with pamac.

Once this hurdle was cleared, my system become fully updated again with pamac update . No issues.


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