Bridge network mode does not work in vmware

Hi guys. There is a problem with VMware. I have Manjaro Linux installed on the host. I installed VMware and installed VMware as a guest machine, and when selecting a network card in bridge mode, there is no Internet, but when selecting the NAT category, it is. Please tell me how to solve this problem. Yes, I forgot to say that I also have a guest Windows 10 installed, and there the Internet works both in NAT mode and in bridge mode. Previously, I used Windows 10 on a PC, and as a guest operating system, I also used Windows 10 and Manjaro, and there and there the Internet worked perfectly both in bridge mode and in NAT mode. Tell me what to do and how to fix this? I tried adding 2 network cards, at some point it worked, but after rebooting the host PC, it does not work

I used to pay for two VM Workstation licenses for a long time. But Iā€™ve been using Qemu for almost a decade now to do most of the same.

VM Workstation should install this for you. During installation, maybe a helper script is expecting brctl from bridge-utils. Only a guess.

Are there two vmnets? ( ip address / ip a ) You said NAT worked, so you definitely have one. Also, you can always just create it yourself, it is actually really easy.

With Qemu, you have to make the bridged interface yourself. I rather just use a couple nmcli commands, than the older ways of bridging interfaces. It seems the easiest way now, with persistent changes.

(This has to be bridged to another Ethernet interface for it to work though.)

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Point the bridge to the correct network adapter.

I run a win10 workstation in vmware using a fixed IP on a bridged network - no problems.

 $ vmware --version
VMware Workstation 17.6.0 build-24238078

Just rebuild my vmware - no issues with bridged network

 $ vmware --version
VMware Workstation 17.6.1 build-24319023

vmware --version
VMware Workstation 17.6.1 build-24319023

It doesnā€™t work for me when there is Manjaro on the host machine, and Manjaro in VMware, but with Windows 10 installed in VMware the bridge works

vmware is a commercial hypervisor - and running vmware on Arch based hosts is unsupported by vmware.

On my Manjaro workstation - I can create a new vm using bridged network - boot a Manjaro ISO and have network for the live system.

I donā€™t say you donā€™t have an issue - but without any replication - it indicates that it is an issue local to your system.


It looks like I probably didnā€™t install something)) please tell me, friend, if possible, how did you install vmnet?)

I asked if there was one or two vmnets. I was ignored.

No information at all. Even the standard inix -Farz wouldnā€™t be enough for this.

Really need just the output of ip a to even start, as the most basic of information to even attempt at helping.

Sorry bro

5 net -zero tier
13 net - proxy aka vpn
If Iā€™m not mistaken, vmnet0 should still be there, but it isnā€™t(

comrades, Iā€™m very ashamed, I deceived you, in Windows 10 in bridge mode, as it turned out, it doesnā€™t work either, Iā€™ll further understand the problem myself, if I solve it, Iā€™ll close this request, thanks for the help

After installing vmware, the Internet did not work at all, I used this command from here - Could not open /dev/vmmon, I used the command - sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Qsq ā€œ^linuxā€ | grep ā€œ^linux[0-9][-rt]$ā€ | awk ā€˜{print $1"-headers"}ā€™ ORS=ā€™ ')
, after which my Internet did work, but in NAT mode

and now it seems to work on windows 10 bridge mode, but not on manjaro, the virtual machine receives IP from my home network in bridge mode, I made the setting in the virtual machine in the edit tab ā†’ virtual network editor

If VMWare works much like Virt-Manager, you must create the bridge in the Host machine, then tell the guest machine to use said bridge.

Try this:

Iā€™ll try to install the same operating system, but as a second one, maybe something downloaded incorrectly

There is only one method to get vmware working on Manjaro.

pamac build vmware-workstation

To edit networks used by vmware - launch the Virtual Network Editor from the app launcher.

From there you can adjust the network interfaces to your specification.

I tried to install deban in virtual reality, everything works fine there, there is some problem that I canā€™t cure, in general thatā€™s all, thanks comrades for trying to help! You are the best

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