Box64 0.3.0 Compiled for Arm64

Hey everyone I noticed for a while Box64 has been stuck on 0.2.0 for a while and that it had mismatched pagesize so I decided to do what Jeff Gearling would do compile the latest 0.3.0 project and upload it to my Linux Bombay Repository where I manage and compile binaries for all my AUR packages I manage and wanted to share it with you guys

Happy gaming on Arm guys :smiley:


…or maybe you could ask someone to update it? :wink:

By the way, your link does not work. Close, but no cigar…

I just pushed box64 0.3.0-1 to ARM unstable.

Yeah true but I thought I’d help out since it was stuck at 0.2.0 for a very long time, the idea of Linux Bombay is to be a big repository is to compile and provide binaries etc for Arch based distros and used for AUR packages or repo packages.

Oh woops I forgot to set it to public, it’s fixed now :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh nice :+1: