Boredland's build issue report

  1. no waybar
  2. exit menu not work, win+shift+e.
  3. testing…
  1. Please include the filename of the image you used (didn’t test yet, but issue might be fixed by now)
  2. Did you start using the “session” starter (selected from tuigreet)?
  1. Manjaro-ARM-sway-rpi4-unstable-202403030236.img.xz
  2. press password, login.

Ya, that is the session pre-select, which is fixed in the current build.

ok, do we have patch-delta file, save bandwidth?

I won’t do deltas on a 1GB file, especially not on unstable.

share wifi from neighbor, can not download|1G|test anymore.

what is status, recent build (0317)?

Wanted to check the state of affairs, but it seems calamares is broken on ARM right now. Will post here if there’s a testable image.

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does this project is dead duck, or it merger to official already?

want build my own img, fail.
but saw week build still going, what is wrong?

==> Installing packages for sway edition on rpi4...
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core downloading...
 extra downloading...
 community downloading...
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from : Could not resolve host:
warning: too many errors from, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from : Could not resolve host:
error: failed retrieving file 'extra.db' from : Could not resolve host:
error: failed to synchronize all databases (invalid url for server)
==> ERROR: Aborting...

ok, they stop release new img, and update calamares.

I lost interest after I discovered that the overall state of some vital packages (from upstream) was so old, that I would not be able to align the package state and desktop settings between the x86 and ARM in the way I imagined it to work. The build pipeline and all is still in place, I could pick up the work any time. This situation might have changed, perhaps I’ll invest some time to take a deeper look.

20241014.img still did not bring calamares up.

waybar won’t start.
what libva-v4l2-request use for?

Just started the newest unstable arm image from

Calamares isn’t starting (segfault), but waybar is.

1125.img, Calamares isn’t starting.

1202.img, Calamares fail.

Maybe calamares-arm-oem is missing. Can you check? That could be an easy fix.

sure, but img file deleted.
in profile pkgs list,
calamares 3.3.6-5
calamares-arm-oem 20240507-1

Ah, good call just looking there. Damn. Tbh I have no idea why calamares isn’t starting, assuming it starts on other arm variants.