Boot Splash Screen in KDE Plasma 6

They have never been there - at least I never saw them - so they cannot be missing.

You should know that this kcm applet is simply listing the available Plymouth themes by name.

The kcm applet acts as a frontend for plymouth-set-default-theme which has no option for preview.

 $ plymouth-set-default-theme --help
Plymouth theme chooser
usage: plymouth-set-default-theme { --list | --reset [ --rebuild-initrd ] | <theme-name> [ --rebuild-initrd ] | --rebuild-initrd | --help }

  -h, --help             Show this help message
  -l, --list             Show available themes
  -r. --reset            Reset to default theme
  -R, --rebuild-initrd   Rebuild initrd (necessary after changing theme)
  <theme-name>           Name of new theme to use (see --list for available themes)

Previewing a theme is possible but only manually using a TTY as described at Plymouth - ArchWiki

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