Boot issues with module updates

This morning I received a few updates. This is the pacman log:

[2023-11-01T10:37:51+0100] [ALPM] upgraded nvidia-settings (535.113.01-1 -> 535.129.03-1)
[2023-11-01T10:37:51+0100] [ALPM] upgraded mhwd-nvidia (535.113.01-2 -> 535.129.03-1)
[2023-11-01T10:37:51+0100] [ALPM] upgraded mhwd-nvidia-470xx (470.199.02-4 -> 470.223.02-1)
[2023-11-01T10:37:46+0100] [ALPM] upgraded linux65-nvidia (535.113.01-2 -> 535.129.03-1)
[2023-11-01T10:37:42+0100] [ALPM] upgraded linux61-nvidia (535.113.01-2 -> 535.129.03-1)
[2023-11-01T10:37:42+0100] [ALPM] upgraded libxnvctrl (535.113.01-1 -> 535.129.03-1)
[2023-11-01T10:37:42+0100] [ALPM] upgraded lib32-nvidia-utils (535.113.01-1 -> 535.129.03-1)
[2023-11-01T10:37:41+0100] [ALPM] upgraded discord (0.0.32-1 -> 0.0.33-1)
[2023-11-01T10:37:39+0100] [ALPM] upgraded nvidia-utils (535.113.01-2 -> 535.129.03-1)
[2023-11-01T10:33:34+0100] [ALPM] upgraded archlinux-keyring (20230918-1 -> 20231026-1)

Kernels got recompiled. Kernel 6.5.5-1 boots just fine, but the 6.1.55-1 LTS doesn’t. This is what I get:

I’d like to stick with the LTS one because the other one behaves oddly with multiple displays.

Any idea?

Hi @drbb,

My idea: I think you updated prematurely, I think there’s a stable update due any time now, with an incomplete sync.

I think this, because I see you are on the stable and I am too. But there hasn’t been an update today. Yet there is packages available for update:

$ pamac checkupdates
12 available updates:
archlinux-keyring   20230918-1      -> 20231026-1        core
chromium            118.0.5993.54-1 -> 118.0.5993.117-1  extra
lib32-nvidia-utils  535.113.01-1    -> 535.129.03-1      multilib
libxnvctrl          535.113.01-1    -> 535.129.03-1      extra
linux515-nvidia     535.113.01-2    -> 535.129.03-1      extra
linux61-nvidia      535.113.01-2    -> 535.129.03-1      extra
mhwd-nvidia         535.113.01-2    -> 535.129.03-1      extra
mhwd-nvidia-470xx   470.199.02-4    -> 470.223.02-1      extra
nvidia-settings     535.113.01-1    -> 535.129.03-1      extra
nvidia-utils        535.113.01-2    -> 535.129.03-1      extra
opencl-nvidia       535.113.01-2    -> 535.129.03-1      extra
vivaldi             6.2.3105.58-1   -> 6.4.3160.34-1     extra

So you can do 1 of two things, IMHO:

  1. Wait for the sync to complete, since you have a booting kernel; or
  2. use the working kernel to install an older LTS to use and test.

Hope this helps!

Hi, thanks for the reply. This is a very odd situation: this “premature update” thing never happened before. I think I’ll stick with the current booting kernel for now and wait for the next stable update to hopefully fix things up.

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No they didn’t. There were no new kernel versions, look at your log. Only mkinitcpio got updated.

I had the same update yesterday and kernel 6.1 boots without issues.
Boot 6.5 and reinstall 6.1.

Yeah, sorry wrong term, I meant that the local ramdisk images were refreshed. Well, reinstalling kernel 6.1.55 solved the issue. I wonder what went wrong. Thanks.

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