Boot in emergency mode, unresponsive

I think I do, blkid (listed above) shows:

/dev/nvme1n1p1: LABEL_FATBOOT="NO_LABEL" LABEL="NO_LABEL" UUID="490D-66EF" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="f004ec93-5084-6f4c-a9a0-69d9298506fc"

I don’t think I did, I think you are referring to the lsblk --all --fs output, that was a copy/paste without edit afaik.

No, I do remember trying to load my windows drive/partition as a virtual machine under manjaro (trying to prevent I had to reboot into windows when I had to use windows for a bit), which somewhat worked at some point, but was some time ago now, don’t remember too much about that. Not sure, but maybe it has to do with that?

Ok, thanks. So the dmsg output is not helpful like that. I might try some suggestions from [HowTo] Reach a minimal system .