Bluetooth headset showing multiple entries in KDE after update

Not to mention its a pretty clunky way to try to restart plasma.
Maybe it would be preferable to do

plasmashell --replace & disown


Then … you arent using pipewire?

It would also seem to me … this is an issue that would also be fixed by a simple reboot of course.

this command worked systemctl --user restart plasma-plasmashell.service

i didnt know it was command for pipewire, makes sense now why it didnt work
about why doesnt reboot work, i dont know as i tried to fix issue by restarting 3~4 tiimes, even tried power off/on but it didnt fix it

you can unmask first and then try again:

systemctl --user unmask pipewire.service

I haven’t tried it as my system is working fine with that command.

My audio input/output entries are duplicated in Plasma audio widget without connecting or disconnecting any audio device, this always happens after any update that include pipewire package.

The only solution is to run systemctl --user restart pipewire.service

This happens when pipewire is updated. Mine just was and the solution is to restart the service like described above.

It seems released already 0.3.77 · PipeWire / pipewire · GitLab
I hope we can get this quickly, bc the issue is pretty obstructive.

The commit fixing this issue was not included in 0.3.77 release of pipewire yet.

For me reverting to the previous version of pipewire using the following worked:

cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg && sudo pacman -U pipewire-*0.3.75-2*.zst libpipewire-1:0.3.75-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst libcamera-0.0.5-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst libcamera-ipa-0.0.5-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst.

After running this I had to reboot, restarting pipewire service or plasma was not enough.

(this is probably an overkill and reverting just one of these packages would be sufficient).

You seriously recommending people downgrading instead of typing systemctl --user restart pipewire.service ONCE after an update?

Hi @bedna, for me it is running systemctl --user restart pipewire.service every time I need to re-add my bluetooth headset – which is quite often since I share it between my home and work laptops.

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I can tell you this. Ask the forum if having a partially updated system is recommended. That is the kind of stuff that can lead to “its easier to reinstall than to fix this” kinda situation.

This will be fixed in an update, you just need patience.
Do this instead:
sudo nano .zshrz
alias fixbt='systemctl --user restart pipewire.service'
Save the file and type: exec zsh

Now every time you have to run the command, just type fixbt and press enter and it will fix itself. Do this until the patch to fix the problem is taken care of. Do NOT break your system for this inconvenience.

Or even build a systemd unit to execute the command on login.

Yes, sometimes a workaround is neccessary. ut there are workarounds that’ll break your Manjaro when you forget about it (had this not too long ago, see Unable to log in after update, both X and Wayland. (First time in more than two years!) - #95 by Mirdarthos, it was caused by exactly this) and there are better ones.

If you’re in a partially updated state, you are completely on your own, it is neither recommended nor supported.

Got it, thank you guys for all the help :slight_smile:

I will trust your experience and will not try anything crazy.

For me this happens every time I join a Microsoft Teams meeting. Restarting pipewire also requires restarting all the applications that work with sound and it only fixes it until the next disconnect. I’m not doing that between every Teams call. That also means I can’t use volume controls during the meeting.

This is a workaround for people that know what they are doing. Yes, partially upgraded system might cause issues, but this is a much bigger issue to some.

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Bug appears to have been patched by Arch maintainer
0.3.77-2: FS#79355 backport patch to fix device duplication (4e27f18b) · Commits · Arch Linux / Packaging / Packages / pipewire · GitLab

PipeWire version 0.3.77-2 has been released to unstable and testing branches
Manjaro 2023-08-19 Testing Update ($914) · Snippets · GitLab


how to update that patch? i cant with pacman -Syu
still having the problem

Unstable and Testing branches only so far … and then it must be a mirror that has synced.

Can any user from the unstable or testing branch confirm whether everything works fine?

Pipewire version 0.3.78 is now available from Testing and Unstable branches

Users on stable branch that do not want to wait for next update release can switch branches

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Pipewire v0.3.78 has now been released to stable branch