Bluetooth connection to ps 3 controller asks for PIN after BlueZ update


i am using Manjaro KDE. And since there is a update for bluez bluez-plugins bluez-utils i cant connect my ps 3 controller. It connects but want a pin, after downgrade to ver. 5.61-1 its ok.
Is maybe a problem with this bluez version.
I tried also endrvous Os same behavor.

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I would recommend that you stick with the downgraded version of BlueZ until the fix comes through in the next release. It was a deliberate change to bring Bluetooth on Linux into line with security standards: input.conf: Change default of ClassicBondedOnly - bluez.git - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux

I did also read of an alternative solution (for Ubuntu) which involves adding the line ClassicBondedOnly=false to /etc/bluetooth/input.conf, and then running systemctl restart bluetooth. I can’t find the /etc/bluetooth/input.conf file on my system, so I do not know whether it needs to be manually created or if /etc/bluetooth/main.conf is the file that should be edited on Manjaro:

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Hello, I created input.conf file in /etc/bluetooth folder, then added this lines:


restart bluetooth:
sudo systemctl restart bluetooth

my Dualshock 3 works again without pin code.
You can follow progress on this issue here:


Hello, thx after created the input.conf file and paste this its Ok now.


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