Blank screen after "welcome to grub"

Using xcfe 23.1.3

The icon in the bottom right of my system showed updates were available.
During the update I noticed some of the librarys timed out and some completed. After being told to reboot, my system now no longer works, I get a blank screen after “welcome to grub” and the Manjaro loading logo no longer shows.

Now what do I do?

I changed from debian to manjaro because of the hype, but this distro seems anything but stable.

Theres at least a half-dozen recent threads mirroring your experience and they all also include pretty easy steps to follow to disable the likely culprit - plymouth.

You could also try to debug it … some people seem to report that some fiddling with initram or reinstalling grub fixed it.
I dunno, I think plymouth is junky to begin with so I’d just remove it.

Then again. Maybe its a different issue, who knows. Heres a general guide.

@cscs, if theres atleast half a dozen threads, plymouth shouldnt really be in a “stable” version…

I will checkout those threads, thanks

You dont have to convince me its junk, but somewhere between the decision-makers and the majority-of-users the slow buggy eyecandy of plymouth is considered desirable somehow.

The branch is largely irrelevant.

But defaults are just defaults and its easy to remove.

Also, as mentioned, maybe this could have been avoided if certain things were managed. Maybe this is related to pacnews? I couldnt say, I dont use plymouth :wink:

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@cscs thanks for the help

I fixed by booting into live USB manjaro iso, then cmd

manjaro-chroot -a

Removing plymouth completely, via cmd

sudo pacman -Rns plymouth plymouth-theme-manjaro

Desktop now loads on boot.

however, it does display a new phrase during boot

Clean Blocks files 4903403943… or something
Why does this now show, and what is it?

Its the output of the fsck check thats running every boot.
(check for filesystem errors)
This was previously hidden by plymouth.

Please see the link for further removal of plymouth at the link above.
(where you will notice fsck and plymouth in /etc/mkinitcpio)

It will also be similar/near to options you have for hiding that text.

See Silent boot - ArchWiki

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