Black screen upon login

Its worth mentioning too that my browser, Vivaldi has no bookmarks, its a clean install too as is Calibre, all books are gone.


This reports the correct user?


Are there other folders under here?

ls -lha /home/

ls -lha /home/

returns (transcribed)

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Dec 31 2020 .
drwxr-xr-x root root 4.0K Jan 6 22:03 …
drwx------ 18 s 4.0K Jun 1 15:52 s

Looks like root somehow owns my home directory?

Wait a second… just saw your output.

sudo chown s:s /home/s

That should fix the ownership.

And now try…

du -hs $HOME/*

EDIT: Okay, that might be because of your “transcribe”, since your output is missing some colums.

du -hs $HOME/*

524K /home/s/Calibre Library
8.0K /home/s/Desktop
4.0K /home/s/Documents
4.0K /home/s/Downloads
618M /home/s/go
4.0K /home/s/Music
4.0K /home/s/Pictures
4.0K /home/s/Public
4.0K /home/s/Templates
4.0K /home/s/Videos

Sure does but they are still empty…

What is the “go” folder? Did you create that?

Good question…I was wondering about that myself. I don’t recollect doing so.

List its contents for yourself. Does anything in there look familiar? (You don’t have to share the output if it’s private.)

While you’re at it, to be certain:

sudo chown -R s:s /home/s

Ah now go is a package manager mod to link Protonmail via a secure bridge to email client. Never got it working.

Other than that the directories are empty.

Did you try this?

I did…

So it appears the “go” folder is what is taking up the bulk of that “719 MB” we discovered earlier.

Not sure why “go” was spared, but everything else is gone.

What is the exact command you used? Not a transcription, but the actual thing.

You can try to find it like this:

grep rm $HOME/.zhistory

rep: /home/s/.zhistory: No such file or directory

Since you’re not using zsh (or possibly a different history file):


That yields no results.

Could this have something to do with the kernel as another person suggested?

I’m afraid you made a mistake in the “rm” command and deleted your home folder.

If there was a space in the command, between ~/ and .cache, it means you deleted everything.

But I’m trying to see what command you used for sure.

Try this instead:

history 0 | grep rm

s-aspirevn7592g% history 0 | grep rm
12 grep rm $HOME/.zhistory
13 grep rm $HOME/.zhistory
14 grep rm $HOME/.zhistory

You don’t even have your old history file.

I’m afraid everything might be gone, and I can’t explain how “go” re-appeared.
