Black screen on homepage after loggin in, but I can still use the terminal

this might be a dumb question, but how do i edited it out?

You can start an editor with sudo … I will assume nano is installed …

sudo nano /etc/fstab

(make changes … and Ctrl+X to save and exit)

[ to “comment out” is to put character(s) in front that make sure the line is not read, in this case a ‘#’ ]

Okay I just did it. What’s next?

We continue on with the updates, reinstall driver, rebuild initramfs, and update grub
(the steps after sorting mirrors in the post above)

Hopefull after that you might get a better experience on startup.
If not … lets see journalctl -b -p3 again.

should i post the outputs or that’s not necessary?

Should not be necessary unless you see errors.

It did not work unfortunately here is the output from journalctl -b -p3

Aug 06 23:45:47 vajinbuu-b450mds3h kernel: kvm: support for 'kvm_amd' disabled by bios
Aug 06 23:45:48 vajinbuu-b450mds3h kernel: 
Aug 06 23:46:15 vajinbuu-b450mds3h kernel: Out of memory: Killed process 873 (plasmashell) total-vm:8733190708kB, anon-rss:21496768kB, file-rss:1876kB, shmem-rss:76kB, UID:1000 pgtables:146517>
Aug 06 23:46:24 vajinbuu-b450mds3h kernel: Out of memory: Killed process 1283 (plasmashell) total-vm:8492747488kB, anon-rss:21664724kB, file-rss:1332kB, shmem-rss:76kB, UID:1000 pgtables:12825>
Aug 06 23:46:34 vajinbuu-b450mds3h kernel: Out of memory: Killed process 1300 (plasmashell) total-vm:7980474004kB, anon-rss:21856368kB, file-rss:2068kB, shmem-rss:76kB, UID:1000 pgtables:10933>
Aug 06 23:46:34 vajinbuu-b450mds3h systemd[755]: Failed to start KDE Plasma Workspace.
Aug 06 23:46:43 vajinbuu-b450mds3h konsole[1315]: kf.xmlgui: Shortcut for action  "" "Show SSH Manager" set with QAction::setShortcut()! Use KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcut(s) instead.
Aug 06 23:46:43 vajinbuu-b450mds3h konsole[1315]: kf.xmlgui: Shortcut for action  "" "Show Quick Commands" set with QAction::setShortcut()! Use KActionCollection::setDefaultShortcut(s) instead.

OK … plasma is crashing because of out of memory … but why ?
(its not bluemail …)

As a quick shot … can you restart it?

kquitapp5 plasmashell
kstart5 plasmashell

And as an aside … can you try with a new user ? Create, login and check ?

If you cant access kde utils to add users because … kde is broken … then try these:

sudo useradd -m crashdummy
sudo psswd crashdummy

(this is an easy way to see if it is user configuration)

so first i will restart then if it still doesn’t work create a new account?

Sure … its really just to see if plasma will somehow start again or maybe throw errors … its not a solution.

If the new user works without problems then it is the configuration.

You can then, back on the original user, do the following
(note desktop configurations will be removed, but backed up)

cd ~/.config
for j in plasma*; do mv -- "$j" "${j%}.bak"; done
mv Trolltech.conf Trolltech.conf.bak
kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental

okay it works with a new user thank you really much!

on my main account do i have to input the whole command or just ```
cd ~/.config

one command per line.
Then restart/relogin … and you can start reconfiguring … maybe do it slowly and keep an eye out so you can isolate the culprit.
Though there is always the possibility that something became fragmented/dirty/out-of-wack just by virtue of gathering dust next to plasma updates.
In that case this ‘refresh’ will have fixed it and everything will be fine after you set it again.
Either way … it hopefully leads to a working desktop :slight_smile:

First thanks again for your help.

i wanted to ask you if it is normal that my main still doesn’t work as it should and that the commands you asked me to input seem to not have changed a thing (not to be rude or something just genuine remark)?

Not rude at all :slight_smile:
The expectation would be that it would result in something akin to a default desktop.
I notice the above output you tried to share was truncated somehow.
Can you verify that you entered/ran:

cd ~/.config
for j in plasma*; do mv -- "$j" "${j%}.bak"; done
mv Trolltech.conf Trolltech.conf.bak
kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental

so this is the output (this is on the new account)

    ~  cd ~/.config                                                                                   ✔ 
    ~/.config  for j in plasma*; do mv -- "$j" "${j%}.bak"; done                                      ✔ 
    ~/.config  mv Trolltech.conf Trolltech.conf.bak                                                   ✔ 
    ~/.config  kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental                                                          ✔ 
kbuildsycoca5 running... The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line
kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service :  "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop"

That seems about right (you can ignore the wayland file warning).
Its possible that it is something else in your User causing the problem … we specifically targeted plasma files in .config … but of course thats not necessarily the source.

Another place to check is maybe


Maybe specifically plasmoids?


on this acount or the main one or it doesn’t matter?

Oh … I just saw you entered the previous commands on the -new- account
That is not required … we want to run them on the old account … to clean it out.
Users do not share home directories.

(everything besides just ‘checking’ the new user was intended to be run on the original account)

okay something ‘miraculous’ happened it works fine right now. I can still input these commands if you want.

Im confused as to what was actually performed, and the sequence of events …
But … if your desktop works then there isnt any reason to go removing the config files again.