I have the same issue and have had it for a long time. It had gotten better at some point and now got way worse again with some recent update, but I really can’t tell which one.
For what it’s worth, keyboard commands also still work, such as ctrl+alt+backspace to reset the x session.
What I’ve now done is to set a keyboard shortcut to switch user dm-tool switch-to-greeter
. Simply “switching” into the same user has a good chance of working. Usually when that happens my Firefox will also have crashed in the meantime - not sure if related.
I have tested doing this with a fresh user as well, same thing.
Here’s my journalctl log: Mär 20 13:06:09 user-pc kernel: ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): Optional FADT field Pm2 - Pastebin.com
There’s a lot of suspicious stuff in there, but I have no idea what could be relevant.
logins that failed were for example march 22nd at 9:53am, I think.
inxi: System: Kernel: 6.6.83-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 14.2. - Pastebin.com
Output from sudo ldconfig
is empty.
edit: sorry about the necroing of the old thread and thank you for splitting it into a new one. 
I have moved your post to a new support topic as the thread you posted to was more than a year old and the forum has a rule about Old Threads/“Necro-Bumping”.
Thank you for providing the system info & logs. That should make it a lot easier for the XFCE/graphics experts here to provide assistance.
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XFCE user like you.
I had enabled the presentation mode fix but removed it as it stopped working.
THIS works for me.
type this into terminal:
xset q
Down at the bottom it should say
DPMS (Display Power Management Signaling):
Standby: 0 Suspend: 0 Off: 0
DPMS is Disabled
If not we can fix that.
Create a batch file with the commands to disable DPMS and set it to run on login via “Application Autostart” under “Session and Startup”,
Heres my antiBlank.sh
xset dpms 0 0 0
xset s noblank
xset s off
Remember to make it executable,
edit: Sadly this doesn’t prevent automatic screen shut off anyway for me - back to presentation mode it is.
That sounds like it would disable the screen going into power saving mode? Thank you for that, since that is another issue I have (also using presentation mode as a workaround)
The issue this thread is about would still exist after manually locking or standby resume.
To be clear about what my issue is: When coming back into a session that was locked for one reason or another, sometimes I get a black screen that has a working mouse cursor but shows nothing else. The mouse cursor even changes state, depending on where it is (pointer, caret, hand, resizer, etc.). Sometimes waiting a bit can resolve this by itself, sometimes it cannot.