Bind IPv6 problem

I am trying to set up Bind (for self-education mostly). With the default configuration I can do nslookup $anyaddress and get the answer. (Let’s say $anyaddress =, for example) But if I do nslookup $anyaddress localhost, I get

Server:		localhost
Address:	::1#53

** server can't find REFUSED

Okay, it seems that by default localhost equals IPv6 address, ::1. So I went to /etc/named.conf and uncommented listen-on-v6·{·any;·};

But if after that I try nslookup $anyaddress localhost, I still get

Server:		localhost
Address:	::1#53

** server can't find REFUSED


With this option, bind will listen on any IPv6 IP address but it does not allow any IPv6 to make queries.

Make sure you add ::1 to the allowed IP address in allow-recursion . Do not use any.

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