Best Wi-Fi adaptor or card

I am looking to get a new Wi-Fi card/USB adaptor, and I wanted one thats affordable but also works well on Manjaro with no problems.

Which one should I look out for as I also game online with my PC?


There are many sites which has tested wifi cards. It is your choice which works best for you…

offical linux support wifi card at DuckDuckGo

All Distros share more or less the same Kernel, therefore there is no “it works best on Manjaro”.

Anyway, Intel has a good reputation when it comes to support, although not perfect.
Here is a list:

What’s important is that Linux doesn’t give a damn about the model and manufacturer. Important is that the chipset is supported, but this is not mentioned big and wide, because several manufacturers like to sell the same chipset under their own name. So you have to look into specifications and check if this chipset is supported in the kernel or not.

However, if Linux 2.6+ (etc…) is mentioned, then you can assume, that kernel support is available.

If you care about the ping, then don’t use wifi while gaming online.

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even worse is that companys sells different chipsets under the same name. So you are not sure that if someone sais for exsample Linksys DualBand Adapter is working well it will work for you if you get an newer one and perhaps with another chipset.

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I just wanted to take the time and thanks both Megavolt and Dieres1 for the help. The info you have given was of great help and I think I have found one that I might buy very soon.

If possible, can you look at it and let me know.

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