Been fighting with sddm.conf since updating to plasma 6 on unstable

I have been trying to get this setting to work.

ServerArguments=-nolisten tcp -dpi 225

It seems no matter what sddm.conf file I put it in it has no effect.

I obviously don’t know how this works.
Can someone help me with this please?
I am trying to get the dpi on the sddm screen larger

So, I might be wrong, but from what I can see the steps are as follows:

  1. Backup /etc/sddm.conf:

    sudo mv /etc/sddm.conf /etc/sddm.conf.backup
  2. Generate a new configuration:

    sddm --example-config | sudo tee /etc/sddm.conf
  3. In that file, change the value accordingly, on my pc it seems it would be:

    sudo sed --in-place 's/ServerArguments=-nolisten tcp/ServerArguments=-nolisten tcp -dpi 225/1' /etc/sddm.conf
  4. Reboot and test.

If it doesn’t work or you wish to restore your current config, simply6 reestore the backed-up config file:

sudo rm /etc/sddm.conf
sudo mv /etc/sddm.conf.backup /etc/sddm.conf

And reboot again.

Hope this helps! If not,



Although for Wayland, I think that sed command will have to look for and replace a different string:

sudo sed --in-place 's/EnableHiDPI=false/EnableHiDPI=true/1' /etc/sddm.conf

(Or perhaps both if you’ve got X11 as well as Wayland, which is the default for Plasma 6 if I’m correct.)


SDDM has had trouble with applying certain settings, especially DPI, since Plasma 6.
There was a recent Plasma release that was supposed to fix it, but I dont think its in the repos yet.

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Manjaro should configure SDDM to start under Wayland to fix the scaling problem, because scaling on X11 for multi monitors is broken and will never be fixed.

Plus set EnableHiDPI=true both under [X11] and [Wayland] sections in /etc/sddm.conf to fix HiDPI.

KDE is willing to take over SDDM under its wing to integrate it with Plasma, in the last 3 years they have been doing most of the work, but the discussion is not going anywhere with the main maintainer, and KDE didn’t want to create a hostile fork.

But I think they will do it, because Nate Graham started yesterday to list what could be added when SDDM is adopted by KDE.

For some reason the stance so far has been to try and undo things like wayland session by default.
So I might guess that setting wayland by default for SDDM will also be considered a no-go.

But I can confirm that here at least the following works for me
(kwin_wayland being used, hidpi and cursor size appears correct)


CompositorCommand=kwin_wayland --drm --no-lockscreen --no-global-shortcuts --locale1

Though I also have EnableHiDPI=true in the standard /etc/sddm.conf

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I found the setting that works for me and what i wanted to do:


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