Bashrc-manjaro and bash updates, merger

In the last Stable update (2024-02-21) it is recommended that:

I could not find bashrc-manjaro, bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc.pacsave, and I don’t know what I have to do with /etc/skel/.bashrc.

What do I need to do exactly?

You just quoted what you need to do. What’s not clear?

The files bashrc-manjaro, bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc.pacsave do not exist on my system, or at least I cannot find them for some reason. I also don’t know what to do for /etc/skel/.bashrc. Those two things are what I’m confused about.

…are you even using bash ?
Most manjaro editions use zsh.

echo $0
pacman -Qs bash

If you have not customized these files you do not need to do anything. Which seems to be the case if you do not have pacsave.

Here is the output:

local/bash 5.2.026-2
    The GNU Bourne Again shell
local/bmenu 0.20-1
    Bash scripts providing a collection of terminal applications in a simple UI
local/neofetch 7.1.0-2
    A CLI system information tool written in BASH that supports displaying
local/pacui 1.14+56+g4976123-3
    Bash script providing advanced Pacman and AUR helper functionality in a
    simple UI

So I presume since I am using zsh those .pacnew files are not installed? Then what about /etc/skel/.bashrc since I cannot find a .pacnew or .pacsave for it?

See what @Teo said - in your situation, you don’t have to do anything.