Baka-Mplayer from repo issues


I can still say that I’m still new in Linux and so I’m testing a lot of different media player and this is the reason that I’m testing Baka-Mplayer. I loved MPV but I’d like a based on with more friendly configuration winch is the case of Baka but whenever I tried to jump to any timeframe the videos always back to the beginning, so as in the current release from the REPO it’s issued because I can’t use the time frame bar to jump the video to a desired time.

I wasn’t able to get a print screen because user feedback is very fast, the bar for a moment became blue colored and the message “Buffering…” is shown in the screen, I’d say both behaves as 1 time blink in the screen.

baka-player issue

I dont know if that is a baka issue, or one of misconfiguration, or what.

But … as per your requirements may I suggest SMPlayer?
Its what replaced VLC for me years back, when the great orange cone began some sort of decline.
(engine can be mpv, mplayer, or even manually configured)

SMPlayer is already installed as the following one too:
VLC (manjaro Default)

Celluloid was installed and removed because it was’t even able to load any video.

SMPlayer has a very bad visual interface, I changed some configurations and now for me it’s much better, but regardless the situation for SMPlayer, I’d like to have Baka-Mplayer working properly in my PC as other may do. It’s simple and fast as MPV but with more GUI configuration options.

Haruna is very close too, but if you jump the timeline often it bugs and the video starts to plays lagging.

Note.: I don’t know why VLC is the default option, it’s very good in terms of configuration option but the image quality is very poor considering standard configuration, reading the internet I found some improvements but MPV based Player for me still shows better image quality.

Sounds like an MPV configuration issue to me. Celluloid is one of the most basic MPV frontends there is.

What does your mpv.conf look like? Please post the output of the following using the Preformatted text </> button:

cat ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf

Below you can find the content inside mpv.config but MPV here is running flawlessly, the issue is just at Baka-Mplayer



# mpv keybindings
# Location of user-defined bindings: ~/.config/mpv/input.conf
# Lines starting with # are comments. Use SHARP to assign the # key.
# Copy this file and uncomment and edit the bindings you want to change.
# List of commands and further details: DOCS/man/input.rst
# List of special keys: --input-keylist
# Keybindings testing mode: mpv --input-test --force-window --idle
# Use 'ignore' to unbind a key fully (e.g. 'ctrl+a ignore').
# Strings need to be quoted and escaped:
#   KEY show-text "This is a single backslash: \\ and a quote: \" !"
# You can use modifier-key combinations like Shift+Left or Ctrl+Alt+x with
# the modifiers Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Meta (may not work on the terminal).
# The default keybindings are hardcoded into the mpv binary.
# You can disable them completely with: --no-input-default-bindings

# Developer note:
# On compilation, this file is baked into the mpv binary, and all lines are
# uncommented (unless '#' is followed by a space) - thus this file defines the
# default key bindings.

# If this is enabled, treat all the following bindings as default.
#default-bindings start

#MBTN_LEFT     ignore              # don't do anything
#MBTN_LEFT_DBL cycle fullscreen    # toggle fullscreen on/off
#MBTN_RIGHT    cycle pause         # toggle pause on/off
#MBTN_BACK     playlist-prev
#MBTN_FORWARD  playlist-next

# Mouse wheels, touchpad or other input devices that have axes
# if the input devices supports precise scrolling it will also scale the
# numeric value accordingly

#WHEEL_UP      seek 10
#WHEEL_DOWN    seek -10
#WHEEL_LEFT    add volume -2
#WHEEL_RIGHT   add volume 2

## Seek units are in seconds, but note that these are limited by keyframes
#RIGHT seek  5
#LEFT  seek -5
#UP    seek  60
#DOWN  seek -60
# Do smaller, always exact (non-keyframe-limited), seeks with shift.
# Don't show them on the OSD (no-osd).
#Shift+RIGHT no-osd seek  1 exact
#Shift+LEFT  no-osd seek -1 exact
#Shift+UP    no-osd seek  5 exact
#Shift+DOWN  no-osd seek -5 exact
# Skip to previous/next subtitle (subject to some restrictions; see manpage)
#Ctrl+LEFT   no-osd sub-seek -1
#Ctrl+RIGHT  no-osd sub-seek  1
# Adjust timing to previous/next subtitle
#Ctrl+Shift+LEFT sub-step -1
#Ctrl+Shift+RIGHT sub-step 1
# Move video rectangle
#Alt+left  add video-pan-x  0.1
#Alt+right add video-pan-x -0.1
#Alt+up    add video-pan-y  0.1
#Alt+down  add video-pan-y -0.1
# Zoom/unzoom video
#Alt++     add video-zoom   0.1
#Alt+-     add video-zoom  -0.1
# Reset video zoom/pan settings
#Alt+BS set video-zoom 0 ; set video-pan-x 0 ; set video-pan-y 0
#PGUP add chapter 1                     # skip to next chapter
#PGDWN add chapter -1                   # skip to previous chapter
#Shift+PGUP seek 600
#Shift+PGDWN seek -600
#[ multiply speed 1/1.1                 # scale playback speed
#] multiply speed 1.1
#{ multiply speed 0.5
#} multiply speed 2.0
#BS set speed 1.0                       # reset speed to normal
#Shift+BS revert-seek                   # undo previous (or marked) seek
#Shift+Ctrl+BS revert-seek mark         # mark position for revert-seek
#q quit
#Q quit-watch-later
#q {encode} quit 4
#ESC set fullscreen no
#ESC {encode} quit 4
#p cycle pause                          # toggle pause/playback mode
#. frame-step                           # advance one frame and pause
#, frame-back-step                      # go back by one frame and pause
#SPACE cycle pause
#> playlist-next                        # skip to next file
#ENTER playlist-next                    # skip to next file
#< playlist-prev                        # skip to previous file
#O no-osd cycle-values osd-level 3 1    # cycle through OSD mode
#o show-progress
#P show-progress
#i script-binding stats/display-stats
#I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
#` script-binding console/enable
#z add sub-delay -0.1                   # subtract 100 ms delay from subs
#Z add sub-delay +0.1                   # add
#x add sub-delay +0.1                   # same as previous binding (discouraged)
#ctrl++ add audio-delay 0.100           # this changes audio/video sync
#ctrl+- add audio-delay -0.100
#Shift+g add sub-scale +0.1                  # increase subtitle font size
#Shift+f add sub-scale -0.1                  # decrease subtitle font size
#9 add volume -2
#/ add volume -2
#0 add volume 2
#* add volume 2
#m cycle mute
#1 add contrast -1
#2 add contrast 1
#3 add brightness -1
#4 add brightness 1
#5 add gamma -1
#6 add gamma 1
#7 add saturation -1
#8 add saturation 1
#Alt+0 set window-scale 0.5
#Alt+1 set window-scale 1.0
#Alt+2 set window-scale 2.0
# toggle deinterlacer (automatically inserts or removes required filter)
#d cycle deinterlace
#r add sub-pos -1                       # move subtitles up
#R add sub-pos +1                       #                down
#t add sub-pos +1                       # same as previous binding (discouraged)
#v cycle sub-visibility
# stretch SSA/ASS subtitles with anamorphic videos to match historical
#V cycle sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat
# switch between applying no style overrides to SSA/ASS subtitles, and
# overriding them almost completely with the normal subtitle style
#u cycle-values sub-ass-override "force" "no"
#j cycle sub                            # cycle through subtitles
#J cycle sub down                       # ...backwards
#SHARP cycle audio                      # switch audio streams
#_ cycle video
#T cycle ontop                          # toggle video window ontop of other windows
#f cycle fullscreen                     # toggle fullscreen
#s screenshot                           # take a screenshot
#S screenshot video                     # ...without subtitles
#Ctrl+s screenshot window               # ...with subtitles and OSD, and scaled
#Alt+s screenshot each-frame            # automatically screenshot every frame
#w add panscan -0.1                     # zoom out with -panscan 0 -fs
#W add panscan +0.1                     #      in
#e add panscan +0.1                     # same as previous binding (discouraged)
# cycle video aspect ratios; "-1" is the container aspect
#A cycle-values video-aspect-override "16:9" "4:3" "2.35:1" "-1"
#POWER quit
#PLAY cycle pause
#PAUSE cycle pause
#PLAYPAUSE cycle pause
#PLAYONLY set pause no
#PAUSEONLY set pause yes
#STOP quit
#FORWARD seek 60
#REWIND seek -60
#NEXT playlist-next
#PREV playlist-prev
#VOLUME_UP add volume 2
#VOLUME_DOWN add volume -2
#MUTE cycle mute
#CLOSE_WIN {encode} quit 4
#ctrl+w quit
#E cycle edition                        # next edition
#l ab-loop                              # Set/clear A-B loop points
#L cycle-values loop-file "inf" "no"    # toggle infinite looping
#ctrl+c quit 4
#DEL script-binding osc/visibility      # cycle OSC display
#ctrl+h cycle-values hwdec "auto" "no"  # cycle hardware decoding
#F8 show_text ${playlist}               # show playlist
#F9 show_text ${track-list}             # show list of audio/sub streams

# Legacy bindings (may or may not be removed in the future)
#! add chapter -1                       # skip to previous chapter
#@ add chapter 1                        #         next

# Not assigned by default
# (not an exhaustive list of unbound commands)

# ? cycle angle                         # switch DVD/Bluray angle
# ? cycle sub-forced-only               # toggle DVD forced subs
# ? cycle program                       # cycle transport stream programs
# ? stop                                # stop playback (quit or enter idle mode) 

I was able to find a related issue at baka-player forum and developer confirmed the issue, see the link below.

Has nothing changed in 3 years?
Well … I guess 2.0.4 stable release is from 2015…

There are some recent commits in master branch
Commits · u8sand/Baka-MPlayer · GitHub