Backup with duplicity command cancelled due to orphaned files

I have written a bash script to perform backup to a removable hard disk drive, which contains an encrypted ext4 partition (LUKS). The core of the script is a duplicity-incremental command - originally with encryption. After my script had been running for months, I decided to switch to non-encrypted duplicity, because the backup partition is already encrypted. I moved the existing encrypted backups to a different folder and started with a duplicity-full non-encrypted backup on March 16. A few days ago I started the first incremental backup as follows:

duplicity incremental --no-encryption --exclude-other-filesystems AD@achat /media/jjm20/ext4-Datsi-extrn/Datsich/2021-02-13-ff

My incremental backup was cancelled with the following warning messages, i.e. no manifest file was produced:

Warning, found the following local orphaned signature file: Warning, found the following orphaned backup file: [] Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed. Last inc backup left a partial set, restarting. Last full backup date: Tue Mar 16 10:45:30 2021 RESTART: The first volume failed to upload before termination. Restart is impossible...starting backup from beginning. Warning, found the following local orphaned signature file: Warning, found the following orphaned backup file: [] Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed. Last full backup date: Tue Mar 16 10:45:30 2021

My idea was to remove the orphaned files and restart my incremental backup, however, I am unable to find those files; they are neither in my $HOME folder tree nor in the folders of my external hard disk.

Now I am at a loss. What should I do? Maybe someone in our community knows a reasonable interpretation of the warning messages.