Backup-Strategy for "All Devices" (maybe Server)


In a few weeks, I have to re-setup my Manjaro-Desktop, as I’ll order new Hardware.
Currently my Disc is not encrypted, but I plan to do so.

I also have some Android-Devices, and some own Servers (on external Providers).

my current Backup Strategy with iDrive - mostly disappointing

Currently I have iDrive as Backup-Solution. as much I was exited in the beginning with it, I’m now disappointed. Sure you have a way to backup Mobile-Devices, as Desktop and Server-Environments, but the way to restore all the stuff is pure hell on earth!
The bandwidth for restore files feels as slow as 1995 ( 14400 Modem ) , you can’t mark more then 600 files at ones to restore, or > 600 MB at once to restore… ahhh let me stop. It’s leading to nowhere. Conclude it, with “mostly disappointed” by this service.

What I try to do

I want to be able to:

  • backup / restore mobile devices (even cross-restore between those devices)
  • backup / restore desktop
  • maybe use an NAS (any recommendations?)
  • having an Controll-Center to manage and have an overview of all Backups (Device and Server-wide) would be awesome

What I’ve found so far

I’ve found that Bacula seems to be very mighty. In Webmin, there are also Plugins that can be used to manage Server-Backups.

But I also found only a few tutorials how to setup… and in fact, only mark bacula packages in Manjaro-Installer fail with some error.

Now comes you

What would you suggest to archive my above described needings?

Hi @rethus,

I can only describe my current setup, which is simple, really.

I use a combination of rclone and systemd timers to backup my home directory, documents, pictures and so on to Onedrive on a daily basis.

Onedrive because my wife has a Microsoft subscription anyway, so I might as well use it. Rclone because it’s easily understandable, and systemd timers because, well, because I wanted to learn it.

And I must say, it works well.

If you want a “one stop shop” that you have full control over, then yes, a NAS makes for a good solution. You just need to consider the financial cost and maintenance. You essentially will be your own “cloud” storage provider and administrator.

If you desire a clean, sleek user-friendly GUI and solution, and don’t consider yourself a “power user” or “tinkerer”, then Synology might appeal to you.

If you want more power, control, and features, and are willing to undergo a learning curve in a more “DIY” pathway, then TrueNAS can be considered.

You can use your favorite tools to make backups to the NAS, whether GUI applications or command-line (like rsync or rclone mentioned above). Not sure about Synology, but TrueNAS allows you to also leverage a remote cloud storage service to sync/upload from your NAS to the cloud. (It only works with cloud providers that support rclone, so sadly not iCloud.)

@Mirdarthos thanks for your answer. But I would miss the mobile-part, and an easy way to restore stuff on those mobile-devices.

@winnie I don’t prefer an NAS-only solution. NAS would only be a first level at my side, to access the Backups, if Internet is disconnected or not available. I also want to have an encrypted Cloud-Backup to have a physically switch (other place to minimize about local disasters (fire, water, housebreaking).

Have a look at syncthing for mobile devices especially in my opinion:

You can set ip up to continually backup to your desktop and have that backup somewhere. Or maybe it supports directly syncing to offsite providers. I don’t know, actually.


There is no turnkey solution to what you seek.

Setup a raspberry pi (Argon ONE M.2 Case for Raspberry Pi 4 – Argon 40 Website Store) in your local network with syncthing - sync the device storage to a trusted off-site service e.g. pcloud or proton drive.

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You mean:

  • You want online backup that is independent of local. It’s always available in anywhere.

  • You want to sync backup for all devices.

  • You want an encrypted cloud provider (Zero knowledge).

  • Support different OS.

I know only that MEGA supports E2EE (end to end encryption) by default.
MEGA sync is Open Source that has been reviewed by security experts, nobody has yet found evidence that “Zero Knowledge” is a hoax. It is easy for beginners without complicated setup.

Paid MEGA is better than free.