Using Manjaro XFCE on desktop with I9 with 32gb ram. I can’t seem to get Dropbox in autostart when I login. When I login I have to go to the menu and click on the Dropbox icon. It then puts an icon in the task bar and updates. Then I click on the icon and go through ‘Preferences’ and click on “Start Dropbox on system startup”. Then it doesn’t start Dropbox when I reboot. What do I need to do to make it permanent?
Thanks for the help,
Have you looked around and perhaps seen this:
It is a long time ago that I used to use it myself this way.
I now only use it once in a blue moon and then I just log in through the web interface …
… since Manjaro is basically Arch, I asked Google for:
“arch dropbox”
and got this reference as the very first hit - the Arch Wiki is the place where you should always go to first …
has about 3 different methods to do this?
No, in fact I haven’t seen Dropbox - ArchWiki. I have searched in Wiki but haven’t seen anything that addresses getting Dropbox to start at boot.
… well: now you have
Archwiki - Dropbox - Autostart
In the Dropbox preferences, under the “General” tab there should be a “Start Dropbox on system startup” checkbox. Try checking this box and seeing if Dropbox starts automatically.
for Xfce users, Dropbox will be restarted automatically next time you login since the
file has been placed in~/.config/autostart
Autostart launcher should look like this
$ cat ~/.config/autostart/dropbox.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily.
If the Dropbox preferences option is not working, copy the whisker menu launcher from system folder to user autostart folder
cp /usr/share/applications/dropbox.desktop ~/.config/autostart/dropbox.desktop
This link may help: Ordering autostart? - #2 by DeLinuxCo
KDE autostart has some idiosyncrasies
You may have to edit the autostart to use a different way to execute the application.
Exec=bash -c "dropbox"