AUR failed to release mingw-w64-fribidi

When releasing mingw-w64-fribidi, I’ got the following error where the key seems to be a Windows key (not a regular one???). I have preliminarily actualized the fribidi package from extra repository.

Anybody knows how to solve it?

[Quotation in French, but I hope it’s not difficult to understand]

Synchronisation des bases de données des paquets…
Actualisation de AUR…
Clonage des fichiers de construction de mingw-w64-fribidi…
Création des informations de mingw-w64-fribidi…
Vérification des dépendances de mingw-w64-fribidi…
Résolution des dépendances…
Recherche des conflits entre paquets…
Impossible d’importer la clé 0AD041B27CA166DDA1FE3BAEA7B3409C0CA4ED14
Construction de mingw-w64-fribidi…
==> Création du paquet mingw-w64-fribidi 1.0.14-1 (sam. 11 mai 2024 10:36:16)
==> Vérification des dépendances pour l’exécution…
==> Vérification des dépendances pour la compilation…
==> Récupération des sources…
→ Mise à jour du dépôt fribidi git…
→ testrunnerwine.patch trouvé
==> Validation des fichiers source avec b2sums…
testrunnerwine.patch … Réussite
==> ERREUR : Un ou plusieurs fichiers ne sont pas valides !
Impossible de construire mingw-w64-fribidi

Hi @piechevall,

'Bout that:

:bangbang::bangbang: Tip

If your language isn’t English, please prepend any and all terminal commands with LC_ALL=C. For example:

LC_ALL=C bluetoothctl

This will just cause the terminal output to be in English, making it easier to understand and debug.

But also:

:bangbang: Tip :bangbang:

When posting terminal output, copy the output and paste it here, wrapped in three (3) backticks, before AND after the pasted text. Like this:

pasted text

Or three (3) tilde signs, like this:

pasted text

This will just cause it to be rendered like this:

sollicitudin dolor
eget nisl elit id
arcu erat varius
cursus sem quis eros.

Instead of like this:

Sed sollicitudin dolor eget nisl elit id condimentum arcu erat varius cursus sem quis eros.

Alternatively, paste the text you wish to format as terminal output, select all pasted text, and click the </> button on the taskbar. This will indent the whole pasted section with one TAB, causing it to render the same way as described above.

Thereby increasing legibility thus making it easier for those trying to provide assistance.

For more information, please see:

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Many thanks for the advice !

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Also, this might be useful to you:

Which makes sense, because it’s intended for creating Windows binaries.

It’s an AUR package, and therefore unsupported by Manjaro. Your best bet is to contact the developers at their GitHub page. :point_down:

Thanks for the complementary advices.

I finally decided to uninstall the package, which seems not have any dependency in my config. Strange! I don’t remember why it has been installed. Let’s see later if it’s really missing.

I consider that the question is closed.

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